I couldn't get Bailey out of the room today -- she said "I like my room" -- so I ditched her and went outside myself. (She's feeling much better, by the way. I guess I'd better report that since this blog page is about her!) Oh, my gosh! It's so beautiful out there. I sat in the courtyard by the cafeteria and soaked up some sun, listened to the birds sing, and made eye contact with a squirrel that was standing on his back legs about 4 feet from me. But then when our eyes locked, I began to visualize him attacking me and giving me some kind of disease from infected scratches that would keep me from seeing Bailey . . . Ok. I know what you're thinking. I've gone psychotic in here. Not really - just trying to entertain you a little. I had a wonderful time in my 30 minutes outside. It really was beautiful sitting among the flowers. There was a little boy whose parents were pulling him in a Riley red wagon with his I.V. pole following behind - they put a little kite together and were flying it on the sidewalk. He was just having so much fun. He was fun to watch. It certainly was beautiful outside -- hope you all enjoyed it too!
Bailey now knows that I know what her surprise is. She thinks it is something happening Sunday evening. The nurses were let in on the secret today by one of the doctors who's helping plan the event, and the nurses then decided to go shopping on their lunch hour and give her a birthday present early -- a new outfit. They even got me a new outfit since they say I'm "going through all this too"! That was so sweet. I haven't had a new pair of jeans in I don't know how long. I won't tell you what size they are, but it looks like I might have lost a bit of weight since we've been here. (Don't worry! I'm eating just fine. I think it's from the first two weeks we were here.) Anyway, we now have something to wear tomorrow night. But don't tell her! She still doesn't know it's tomorrow. Dr. T said he's going to pop in around 5:00 tomorrow and tell her she needs to get ready because we're going "on a date". Then he's going to come back at 6:00 to "pick us up". I think that's about all I can safely say for now. Oh, isn't it just eating at you?! Haha!! Of course, if she gets her heart tonight, tomorrow night will be cancelled, but that would be fine too!
Today was Doctor's Day, so Bailey and I made some of those Tiger Bites I gave the recipe for on an earlier posting and set them out for the doctors . . . and nurses . . . and whoever else wanted a taste. Of course they're all gone. That's one thing I like about this place -- people really like to eat!
Todd -- I'm so sorry we missed you this morning!! Thank you for the candy - Bailey shared that with the nurses too - kept the Peppermint Patties, of course. We haven't been going to bed until about 1:00 a.m. (Bailey's choice, not mine!) so we don't see daylight until about 10:00. (And, for all you WFMS people out there, this is causing me to miss the morning show - I haven't heard it since January 27th!!! I miss Jim, Kevin and Debra!! I have figured out - well, Scott helped me - that I can pick the station up if I stick the radio in the window and turn it just right!!) Todd, please do stop in again soon - it would be great to see you!
Well, my next posting should be pretty exciting - I'll be reporting on the big surprise. One other thing I can probably safely tell you: Dr. T asked that Tom and I and Scott and Nancy go on this "date". Then he looked at me sheepishly and said "I hope that's all right. You guys seem to get along." I said "Well, it's a good thing we're all going because we'd have to duke it out to see who got to go along!" Then he lightened up and said, "Now just promise me we won't have any Jerry Springer action going on." He's something else! Laughter is a good thing!
Have a good evening/night/day (depending on when you read this). Talk to you tomorrow!
Love you, Angie