Happy Birthday, Tom!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOM - We love you! Boy, it must have been cold outside today. I sleep next to the window, and nearly froze last night. Bailey said she got hot, so I think I'll start un-layering her bedding tonight! Dr. T stuck his head in the door today and said, "Am I your best friend Bailey? . . . Because, if I am, I'm gonna reduce some of your [nasty] medicine." Bailey said, "Oh, you're the MAN!" So he pranced around in the halls saying "I'm the man. I'm the man." They are so funny together! So, reducing medications still to see what her heart does on its own. Music therapy came around today and Bailey is going to try and write a song now. She's having a little trouble thinking of ideas, but I'm sure she'll come up with something. Maybe Keith Urban will record it. Ha!! We went on a shopping trip to the gift shop for Tom's birthday today. Bailey, of course, walked. She's doing so well and feeling really good. Last night we walked down to McDonalds for an evening snack. I'm thinking we'll be doing the same thing tonight. School work is going well, but for some reason we haven't received any instructions from the school re: science or social studies. I don't quite understand that . . . hm . . . Speaking of school work, we've got to get some homework done. I'll keep in touch! Love, Angie |
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