Friday, December 16, 2011

FDA Approves Berlin Heart

What an amazing day for children everywhere! The FDA has approved the Berlin Heart for use here in the U.S. to help save the lives of children with severe heart problems who have no other option available to them. Used usually as a bridge to transplant to keep the children alive until a donor heart can be found and matched, Bailey's heart was able to rest and grow stronger while on the device and she was able to be removed from the transplant list and sent home with her own heart. This was 6 years ago. We are celebrating and praising God that the FDA has heard the doctors' and patients' pleas and have decoded to give this precious gift of life to kids. My hope would be that no child would ever need this device. But we don't have that kind of control over happenings here on this crazy earth. So in the likely event that there will continue to be kids out there who need the assistance of a Berlin Heart, this is a joyous day!! The device doesn't have to be ordered from Germany and applied to the FDA for use on an emergency and compassionate basis. It can be ready and waiting for the arrival of those precious kids who are facing the possibility of death at much too young an age. My God we are blessed. Thank you God for answering our prayers and thank you Berlin Heart and all the doctors and medical staff at the children hospitals all across the U.S. - including Dr. T and Riley Hospital - who made great sacrifices to take part in the study. You are our heroes!!!


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