Monday, February 28, 2005

A New Neighbor

Another good weekend! Eating well, sleeping well, playing well . . . what could be better? Dr. T turned her Berlin Heart down to 40 today. Echo tomorrow.

I don't know if I adequately reported, but the song Dr. T "sang" for the scavenger hunt was "Smoke on the Water". He didn't actually sing - he recited. Anyway, Music Therapy let Bailey keep an electric keyboard in her room this weekend and the nurses brought her the music to "Smoke on the Water". So Dr. T popped in yesterday and she played it for him. I missed it - I was at home, but Bailey called me and said he laughed so hard he cried. I would love to have seen that!

Bailey's got a new neighbor - the little boy flown here from Afghanistan! I haven't met them yet - they're all sleeping (must be jet lag). There's the dad and the boy, and an interpreter (a 21 year old Afghan guy who's never been to the U.S. before) and a Major from the U.S. military. Scott wrote their names down, but I'm not sure that's gonna help me! I hear they are all very nice.

I enjoyed my time at home this weekend. It just pulls me emotionally in so many directions though - I absolutely hate leaving Bailey here, but it is so nice to see my family and my home. But there's definitely a hole there since Bailey's not home.

Hope you all had a great weekend! Talk to you tomorrow.


Saturday, February 26, 2005

No Decision Yet

Well, the echo showed that Bailey's pulmonary pressure stayed the same when the Berlin Heart was turned down. So, they're not ready to make a decision yet - I think they were expecting to see the pressure increase which would have meant her heart wasn't handling the increased load and, therefore, a transplant would be necessary. So they turned the Berlin Heart down again this afternoon (to 50 beats per minute) and the plan is to turn it down to 40 on Sunday and then do another echo Monday. In Dr. T's own words, "If the pressure remains stable, then we have some more thinking to do." There are some other concerns with Bailey's heart other than the pulmonary pressure - her rhythm is out again and there is also some leakage in the mitral (I have no idea how to spell that) valve (which I don't know if it was there before or how badly it's leaking). But because her pressure is remaining stable even with the VAD doing less work, they're not so quick to decide on transplant. So, once again, time is on our hands and they're not rushing into any decision. And, as we know, this is unprecedented territory so they're going to be very careful in their decisions.

But Bailey had a great day again. She's feeling really good and her mood is good. Still eating great and sleeping great. We started knitting an afghan today - that's been fun!

I get to go home again in the morning and spent time with the other half of my family! I'll report to you all Sunday evening.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Friday, February 25, 2005

First Pizza Delivery

Bailey wanted pizza last night, so we ordered Papa John's at 10:00 to be delivered to the front desk here at the hospital. It's such a relief to see her appetite getting back. She's such an incredible girl. I know we already know that, but to see her go through everything she has to go through on a daily basis and not complain about anything at all other than pain - it is such an amazing thing to be a part of. I am so proud of her.

Doctors came in today and turned her Berlin Heart down to a rate of 60 beats per minute (it has been set on 80). They're leaving it there all night and doing an echo tomorrow to see how her own heart responds to less support. Then they say they'll sit us down and talk to us about where we're headed. I was expecting to hear something last week but I haven't pressed the issue since time is on our side - the longer we wait, the better chance her heart has to recover, if it is going to. So, tomorrow might be the day we hear something. Please keep praying for us.

Martha, thank you soooo much for the bracelet. It is beautiful, and I love all the hearts. Thank you - I truly appreciate it. Carol and Jim, the coconut cream pie was wonderful! I had to share it with the nurses because I really don't want to leave the hospital bigger than we came in! It was delicious!! Diane, thank you for taking care of my girls!

Bailey made a clay switchplate in occupational therapy yesterday. The therapist took it home to bake it and brought it back today. It's so cute! Then she made a penguin today out of clay - she's very talented. Bailey still isn't supposed to walk around since her blood is still a little too thin, but we took a wheelchair ride over to the gym for physical therapy today. The stationary bike was too big for her (even on the shortest setting) so she kicked a ball around into soccer nets for a while. That was fun! It's nice to get out of the room. We can only travel for about 30 minutes on battery power, but we can also plug into an electrical outlet if we're on a longer trip. It's not bad. Remember our first walk?! We had 5 or 6 people that had to accompany us to take all the medical equipment, but now we're just down to the Berlin Heart and Bailey. We don't even have to take the I.V. pole along with us anymore - we just unhook it and hook it back up when we return to the room. We feel so free!!

Well, the nurses are talking about taking Bailey out of the hospital for her "weekend fun". (Last weekend was her slumber party.) I didn't know this was turning into a weekly thing, but the nurses are really getting into doing fun things for her and getting her to feel as normal a pre-teen as possible. She's such a good patient, they probably fight over who's getting her on their shifts!!

Duty calls - I've got to find some makeup that she got for a gift - putting makeup on before she goes to bed? Not me!!

Love you all!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Appetite's Growing Quickly

The dietician said Bailey almost met her caloric intake requirement all by herself yesterday, which was the first full day she was off of her I.V. food. That's quite an accomplishment. Today her appetite has been even better. She had some of Aunt Vickie's chicken and noodles, some homemade brownies with caramel swirls, one-half of a large sandwich from Arby's, and lots of snacks in between. Between the good sleep and good appetite, Bailey is feeling really, really good. She's spending about half of the day sitting in a chair playing games and doing crafts.

Marissa finally braved wearing a mask tonight! So she got to come in Bailey's room for the first time. She was so proud of herself - she said "It's fun being in here with Bailey, and I can even breathe with this mask on!" I did cover that information with her previously, but she must have forgot.

Bailey wasn't allowed to take a walk today because her blood was a little too thin (falling would have caused nasty bruising or even worse), but we were able to take a wheelchair ride to the gift shop where Bailey made her first purchase - a birthstone ring and necklace. Very pretty!

We're getting the impression we'll find out in the next few days or so what direction we're headed - whether Bailey's heart is recovering or whether she'll get a transplant. So I'm having a kind of nervous anxiety. Bailey's pretty nervous to find out too, but she is so incredibly brave. We talk through our fear so we can stay positive. We'll let you guys know as soon as we find something out.

We heard today that the U.S. Military is flying a boy from Afghanistan to Riley to have open heart surgery. That's pretty neat! We might get to meet him since we're in the Heart Center and I assume he will be too.

Thank you for all your prayers! God is definitely blessing us!!

Love, Angie

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Apples and Root Beer for Breakfast

Bailey slept great last night - which means, I slept great too. They took her off her Lasix I.V. drip, so she didn't have to go to the bathroom 3 or 4 times in the middle of the night. Yeah!! She was awake about 30 minutes this morning when she sent me to McDonalds for some Apple Dippers and root beer. I think that's a sure sign that her appetite is coming back! She's had several snacks today - something she hasn't done in over a month.

We took 2 walks today down to the atrium - she did a little crocheting on her second trip. Dr. Terrentine is a little concerned that she's going to join the smokers out front with a cheeseburger from McDonalds at 2 a.m. I have no idea where that thought came from. I think he's still running on the excitement from the pilots yesterday. (David, I didn't know you were a pilot - that's so cool! We watched Cool Runnings yesterday - I'm ready for our next trip!)

The Riley computer guy came around today and gave Bailey a user ID and a password to get on an internet site where she can chat with other kids in hospitals all around the world. It sounds really neat. She hasn't tried it out yet, but hopefully soon. (I'm also trying to get her to post her own message here, but she's been too tired in the evenings. We'll get there!)

Have a great evening!
(Bailey does say "hello" to everyone!)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Paisley and F16 Fighter Pilots Visit

Bailey's friend Paisley is feeling better and came to spend time with Bailey today since they didn't have school. It was good to see her - they had a good time together. Paisley got to see how there are all kinds of people coming and going all day long.

Five F16 fighter pilots from Terre Haute visited this afternoon. Dr. Terrentine himself escorted them in - I found out that he's the one who organizes the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds to participate in the annual Mt. Comfort Air Show that benefits Riley Hospital. Pretty cool, huh?! These guys were nice. Dr. Terrentine's a sap, though. They were taking pictures of Bailey and the pilots when Dr. Terrentine said "Ya know, if none of you guys have colds, there's no reason why you can't take your masks off for the picture." I nearly spoke up myself and said, "Uh-uh-uh-uh! Masks and gloves!", but I thought better. It was really fun, and Bailey enjoyed the compliments from the 5 guys in uniform. Dr. Terrentine explained to them the technology that Bailey is involved in with her Berlin Heart, and they were pretty impressed and compared it to an F16 - they said it sounds like there's more technology involved in Bailey than an F16. They were really nice guys - we enjoyed that visit.

I'm reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I've never been a big "magic" person, but one of the anesthesiologists gave Bailey a few of the books, so I picked one up. Actually very entertaining and an easy read - if anyone was wondering. Haha!

They unhooked the IV "food" today so hopefully Bailey's appetite will pick up a bit. She sent her dad out for White Castle tonight and she had Oreo sticks and creme for a snack. She ate a whole burger! Things are looking up! I've been trying my best to eat off of Bailey's hospital tray since she won't touch it and so as little as possible goes to waste, but, I tell you, there's not a whole lot that's edible and I am not a picky eater. Although today for lunch they brought a pork chop with rice and veggies, and that was not bad at all. But it was quickly overtaken by the cold mashed potatoes and roast beef for dinner. I was really taken aback by the lack of quality in the hospital trays - I really hate to say anything derrogatory but, man, I'm just really glad Bailey's not stuck with eating from the tray. It would be a long, slow road.

I think that covers it for now. This laptop we have in our room is pretty nice, except I do miss the atmosphere of the library - it's so pretty down there. I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow night. Hope all is well with everyone!

Good night - Angie

Bailey Had a Great Weekend

I had a nice weekend at home. I got to cuddle with Marissa, and saw Josie's last travel basketball game - they won!

Nancy said Bailey had a great day yesterday - she ate real good and sat in a chair for nearly 8 hours working on craft stuff and visiting with her dad and Nancy. Today was a day of lots of naps and she ate a good dinner. It's so good to see her feeling so well. It just breaks my heart when she's not feeling well. Her best friend Paisley is feeling better and she's coming to spend the day with Bailey tomorrow since they don't have school. Bailey's really looking forward to that. Hey! I'm getting a lot better at typing with rubber gloves on!

Hope everyone out there had a nice weekend! I'll check in with you again tomorrow.

Love you all, Angie.

Friday, February 18, 2005

It's a Slumber Party!

Hello everyone! Bailey felt great today - she sat in a chair for over an hour working on her craft project to submit as a possible Riley Christmas card. Her pacer wires were irritating her today, so she complained to "authorities" and they removed them this afternoon. It stung a little, but she survived. We're in the middle of her slumber party - her best friend Paisley couldn't come since she's still sick, but her sister Josie and two cousins, Melyn and Erica, are here. Right now, they're decorating pillow cases. The hospital employees have been very helpful in getting us ready - they supplied the pillow cases and decorative items, a big box of "girlie" things, a basket of snacks and a cool glitter lamp. Scott and Nancy brought in pizza - Bailey didn't feel like eating it so she had cottage cheese, but she's not running a fever so far (for the first time in about a week!). I'm trying to get Bailey to post her own message because Child Life brought us a laptop and that's what I'm posting this with, but she's too busy having fun. And I'm having a particularly difficult time typing in plastic gloves!!

Thank you, to whoever sent a box of goodies to "Bailey and Paisley"! It's beautiful! and really cool stuff inside! And thanks for remembering Marissa and Josie!

Well, gotta go! I'm missing out on all the fun!

Have a good weekend!

Angie (I'm going home again and won't be posting until Sunday evening.)

Resting From Yesterday's Big Day

Not much happened today. I think yesterday was such a big day that it pretty much wore Bailey out. It was a day of rest and sore muscles today. A muscle in her belly was really bothering her and she's still running her fevers in the evening. No word yet on the echo yesterday to indicate which direction we might be headed. She's in A-flutter again, but they don't seem to be worried about it - in fact, I didn't even know but she's been in it for a couple days.

So, no news really to report today, but I didn't want you all to worry. I'll check back with you again tomorrow.

Have a good night, Angie.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

What a good day!

Bailey felt so much better today than she has in such a long time. The documentary people came back to catch up on her progress. They interviewed her and asked her how she feels different now than before she had the Berlin Heart. She said she can breathe easier and it makes her feel better. They were also here to film an echo today and they asked her what this echo was all about. She said that during the echo they were going to turn the Berlin Heart down so that her heart is doing most of the work and see if the pulmonary pressure goes up or if it stays as low as it has been lately and, if it stays the same, that might mean she can go home with her own heart and, if it goes up, that might mean a transplant. You guys should have heard her explaining this to 5 adult men holding video and audio equipment. I just cried. She's incredible how she knows exactly what is going on at all times. Her understanding of everything is completely mature beyond her years. I'm hoping the medication they gave her last night to sleep (with a mild antidepressant) helped a lot because she wasn't nearly as fidgety and anxious as she has been. She smiled a lot today too (and laughed, Cindy!). This might not sound like much, but her friend Taylor Norris burned her a CD of some really cool pop songs, and she's been playing that all evening and even singing along! The singing along part is the cool part for 2 reasons: first, her spirits haven't been up enough to where she feels like singing; and second, her breathing has been pretty shallow and fast since surgery (which is normal for what she's been through) and singing was making her take deeper longer breaths. So, thank you, Taylor! She loves the CD and you're helping her grow stronger.

Oh, we don't know the results of the echo yet. The cardiologist's preliminary result is that when they turned the Berlin Heart down her pulmonary pressure went up "a little". They are going to look at numbers and review everything and talk with us tomorrow. So, we might know tomorrow (or at least have a better idea) which direction we are headed. Pretty unnerving, huh?!

The Child Life people made up a scavenger hunt for Bailey. One of the things on the list is for Bailey's doctor to sing his/her favorite song. Well, Bailey, of course, went after her surgeon Dr. Turrentine (he's the one that scared her and made her cry the first few visits we had with him). Obviously, their relationship has climbed to new levels. He was so embarassed - and this was in front of the camera crew when they were here! He was such a good sport. They joked back and forth over that for a long time and we all laughed hysterically at them. He even tried to pay her off for $100. Her response: "You wouldn't give it to me." She was being tough and holding fast. He left saying he was going home to practice and would be back tomorrow. He whispered under his breath on the way out the door, "The little terrorist." We had such a great time. Can't wait to see what he comes up with. He said he got kicked out of his 4th grade choir and it wasn't for behavioral reasons. Haha!!

They moved us 2 doors down to a bigger room tonight. Bailey didn't need to ride in the bed - she walked. (Can you just feel how proud I am?!) She even sat up in bed by herself several times tonight - she hasn't been able to do that until now. So now she can move around completely by herself - in and out of bed, on her sides, etc. She just made leaps and bounds of progress today. I'm so proud of her.

I miss you Tom, Josie and Rissie!! (Marissa has yet to visit Bailey because she's scared to put on a mask. But we're working on it. I sent one home with her to practice.)

Have a good evening, everyone. I have to go catch the rest of American Idol!

Love, Angie

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Fever Diminishing a Bit

Today was a good day. Bailey ate a little breakfast and a little lunch - she's in her room now with dinner that her dad brought in for her. She requested beef and noodles. Yesterday she asked him to bring her some of his fried chicken for dinner. She's keeping him busy in the kitchen! Thanks to Carol and Diane, she got her tuna noodle casserole today for lunch that she requested yesterday - thanks guys! (She also liked the grapes. And, of course, I ate 2 of the 3 cupcakes!) Child Life people brought her a laptop today to keep in her room. Unfortunately, it's dial-up and for some reason, we weren't able to pull up this web page. The Riley teachers came by today and schoolwork starts tomorrow. The surgical nurse has arranged for Bailey's best friend Paisley to come Friday night for a slumber party and sleep-over - popcorn, movies, nail-painting, etc. - all the girly stuff. That really lifted her spirits. The surgical nurse also had a heart-to-heart with Bailey today. She is such an incredibly compassionate lady and Bailey has just melted her heart. They talked a bit about what Bailey was scared of (she just had a worried look on her face) and she said she was afraid of a transplant. They talked for a while and it made her feel much better. The people here are so much more than just medical people - I just appreciate so much their efforts to make Bailey feel special and loved. Child Psych people evaluated her today and are wanting to prescribe a mild antidepressant with a tranquilizer so she can get good sleep at night. One thing I've noticed is that she just isn't her bubbly self. I don't know if it's that she just doesn't feel good because of the fevers, or because she's getting little sleep, or that she's worried, or what. But when people walk in to see her (whether visitors or medical people), she pays about half attention to them. That's just not like her. She did tell me she wants to go home, so I'm sure she's getting a little tired of all this. Yesterday I found in the gift shop a little coin that says "This, too, shall pass." That helped me a lot as I was feeling myself like we'll be here forever, so I shared that with her today and I think that helped. Hopefully with some good sleep, the fever goes away, and a little help medically, she'll be feeling a lot better soon. (She also has a sore on her tailbone that's just another little nuisance but they're working to try to get that healed - which is difficult since she's in bed all day except to go to the restroom.)

Well, maybe we'll get on the laptop tomorrow and Bailey can post her own note. I know she would like that. And, Uncle Harlan, it was good to hear from you today! Love you!

Doug Kerr, where in the world have you been these last 25 or so years?! It's good to hear from you! Hope all is well - would love to see you again.

Thank you again, everyone, for all your support that is coming to us in so many ways - we truly feel loved, cared for and prayed for every moment of every day. Love you all!


Moved to the Heart Center!

We just moved to the Heart Center (4th floor) this evening. We're still in isolation, but we have a phone, and a bathroom, and cabinet space, etc. It's really nice. The nurses were anticipating Bailey moving in all day and decorated her room in Valentine's Day decor. It was so cute! And all the nurses signed a card welcoming her to the Heart Center. Bailey felt pretty bad all day - felt like she had a fever, but her fever never returned until about 5:00 this afternoon. It really confused her that she felt like she had a fever but didn't. She really fretted about that. They gave her some blood early this afternoon since they've "taken so much out of her" with cultures, etc., and that really made a big difference - she felt great! for about 2 hours, got a good nap, and then the fever came. But the best news of all -- she had an echo today, and the surgeon told us her PA pressure is in the 40's! In his own words, "That's huge!" Wouldn't that be awesome if Bailey got to leave here with her own heart?! No one's really concerned about her fever - they just feel bad that she feels so bad. Maybe moving to a new location will make a difference. I would really love to see that fever leave us for good.

Some photographers putting together a Riley brochure came around today and photographed Bailey, and our favorite surgical nurse and myself were also in it. At least we had masks on, so you couldn't see the really screwed up smile that somehow appeared in all my school pictures growing up! Haha!

Debbie, thank you so much for putting together the Valentine's box for Bailey -- I think every single nurse and therapist in ICU gave her a valentine!

Tom took me to dinner at a really nice restaurant in University Place to celebrate our 11th anniversary- I had the best meal and it was such a nice time. Thank you, Sweetie!

Since we have a phone in Bailey's room now, she called her best friend Paisley tonight. Paisley cried when she heard Bailey's voice. Then Bailey felt guilty and I had to console her . . . no, I'm kidding. She did feel bad for Paisley, but she was very excited to talk with her.

I gotta go - Bailey's waiting on me to watch the movie School of Rock.

Hey R&L! Thank you so much for your cards, cafeteria donations, and gifts for Josie and Marissa. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have such thoughtful friends that you don't just think of me and Bailey but my family as well. You truly are the best!!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Anniversary Sweetie! I love you!

Happy Birthday Debbie! I love you too!

Bailey had a fairly uneventful weekend, but yesterday she continued to struggle with her fever and this time Tylenol didn't break it. The surgeon visited last night and ordered some ibuprofin, and that finally broke it and she slept all night - even snored! That's the first good night sleep she's had since her surgery. She really didn't eat anything yesterday but drank quite a bit. I'm hoping today will be much better since she slept good. She's been taking her daily walks, but not getting as far as McD's - she's got some sore muscles in her left leg and hip and they think it's from the "marathon" walk she took Friday.

Still hoping to move out of ICU today, but not sure that's going to happen since she had a fever all day yesterday. They swabbed her nose to check for RSV last night - haven't heard the results of that yet. They're really baffled about this fever. They've done pretty much every test and everything's showing up negative. There was some thought that she might be dehydrated which sometimes causes fevers so they took away her limit on liquids.

I need to get back - I slipped away to take a shower.

Have a great day, everyone, and I'll post another message tonight.

Love you, Angie

Friday, February 11, 2005

We Take Our First Walk!

Today started out pretty slow - Bailey only slept from 6:00-9:00 a.m. this morning. She was awake all night long. She wasn't fidgety - just couldn't sleep. I guess maybe the anesthesia from the operating room procedure was playing tricks? Anyway, her nurse kept telling her we were getting up today and walking around ICU. Things progressed, and by the time it came to walk, it was a shopping spree to the gift shop! Bailey played along with the fun, but when the time got closer, it must have intimidated her a little because she got real weepy and tired (of course, 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours probably didn't help). So, the nurse rounded up a respiratory therapist to be in charge of the oxygen tank (oh, yeah, they weened her off the nitric oxide today without a hitch!), another nurse to be in charge of the IV pole, another nurse to push the Berlin Heart computer (a pretty big box on a cart), me to tag along behind with a wheelchair for relief when she got tired, and her nurse held all the lines/leads/tubes, etc. I tell ya, I was nervous! They unplugged the Berlin Heart from the wall and a little alarm sounded, and I nearly wet myself! But the nurse said it was just the alarm indicating that battery power was taking over. OK - so now I'm a little sweaty, but doing ok. Then the surgeon comes by (he's the one who's been pushing for getting up and around) and he's looking over things like he's a little concerned we're doing this, and I'm nearly relieved because I'm half-way wanting him to put a stop to everything and make her get back in bed! But he said, "You go girl! Have a nice walk!" I'm glad they didn't have a heart monitor hooked up to me, because I'm sure there were all sorts of PVC's, PAC's, ABC's and XYZ's going on!! Half-way down the looooonnnnnng hallway to the elevators, Bailey stopped and said in her sweet quiet little voice "My eyes are a little blurry." The nurse stops to check her Berlin Heart, and Bailey said, "I don't have my glasses on." The nurse was quite relieved that was all it was. Then, about 10 steps later, Bailey says in her sweet quiet little voice, "I can't see now." The nurse stops and repeats - trying to calm herself - "You can't see now?!" Bailey says, "No, because she's in my way," pointing to the nurse pushing the Berlin Heart. OK. So we were all a little nervous! But had lots of fun and laughter. We walked all the way down that long hall, down the glass elevators, and she stopped in front of the McDonalds entrance and Bailey said, "I need to sit down now." We couldn't believe it! We were sooo impressed. And she really enjoyed the walk - didn't seem to tire her too much at all. One of the nurses bought her a chocolate sundae from McD's and we went by the gift shop and bought the surgeon a Dt. Coke to take back. We found our way back to the room, and the surgeon couldn't believe she had walked that far. He really was impressed. I said, "Aren't you proud?" And he said, "Proud? That's incredible!" He was in her room earlier in the afternoon and said he needed a date for tonight's Pacer's game. He was looking at the Berlin Heart machine and said, "but I'm not quite sure how we could get that there." I really think he was half seriously considering it - if not tonight, maybe down the road.

As you can see, we had a wonderful day! She was so proud of herself too. Once again, what a huge relief to see progress. She's such an incredible little girl - she complains about very little and is really enjoying socializing with the doctors and nurses.

Tom is picking me up tonight to spend the weekend at home. Scott's staying here with Bailey this weekend and I'll return Sunday evening. I probably won't post anything else until Sunday or Monday, so don't worry - no news is good news!

Love you all and have a great weekend!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

O.R. Procedure Went Very Well

Surgeons took Bailey back at 7:30 this morning. She was really nervous, but did fine. About 2 hours later, we learned that they took her PA line out, her chest tubes out, the arterial line in her groin out, and changed her central line to the other shoulder. They even took the stitches out of her incision in her chest! Also, "while they had her back there", they cardioverted her and she now has a regular heart beat. They did an echo also, and the cardiologist said "her pressures look really good". (They steadily fell throughout the night and were dipping into the 50's before her procedure this morning.) It took Bailey about 3 hours to come out of her anesthesia, but when she did, she felt good. She was glad to hear she was cardioverted because the irregular heartbeat was making her nervous. She has a much easier time moving around now with less things attached to her - they even hung her head over the bed this afternoon and washed her hair. She'll hate me later for reporting this, but they took her catheter out and she sat successfully on a bed pan - yeah!! Hey, progress is progress and is to be celebrated! They're hoping to get her to the heart center on Monday and the surgeon has ordered her to "make laps around the heart center" once she's up there. Her temperature was up again later this morning, but not sure if it was just because of the heating pads they had piled under the blankets when she returned from the chilly operating room. She was very active this afternoon and ate a pretty decent lunch - not up to par yet, but definitely getting there. They've not been working too hard on getting her off the nitric oxide, but have begun that process again.

Surgeons say the biggest risk of VAD's is infection, so Bailey will still be in insolation even when we get to the heart center. But we're ready for the move and ready to hang out there for as long as we need to.

Today was definitely the most encouraging day we've had yet. To see her moving around so much and so comfortably is a joy truly beyond words. These last 2 weeks have been quite an "emotional storm". God has definitely been taking care of us - he even structures it so that Scott and I have our breakdowns on different days - when one of us is stressing, the other is strong enough to step in and take over, and vice versa. To all of you out there who have said a prayer for us in the past weeks, please consider each and every single one of you hugged - you are truly appreciated!!

Love to you all, Angie

(P.S. - Annette, we met Lola today!)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wed. - 02-09-05

Bailey's been struggling with a little fever all day and a nosebleed that's lasted pretty much all day. It's really dry in this hospital and the blood thinners are making it difficult to stop. We're trying to get her up and about to try and clear her lungs, but that's difficult to do when she doesn't feel very good. We did get her up and standing on a scale to weigh her and then she sat in a chair for a while. The doctors said she lost 1/3 of her body weight in the couple days after surgery -- that's how much fluid she had on her body before. Boy, she's slim and trim now! We're trying to pack some meat on her bones - have instructions to drink lots of OJ for vitamin C, lots of high-calorie drinks (like Boost) to gain weight, but all the while we have a limit on how much she can drink. Makes it kind of challenging, but we're getting it done.

Myra, yes, please take K.U. for us - we don't get CMT here. Thanks so much!!

Debbie, the sandwiches and radishes were wonderful - can I have some more? (I only got 1 sandwich!)

The surgeon is planning to remove Bailey's chest tubes (drainage), the PA wire to her heart, and the arterial line they put in her groin (not working too well for drawing blood - she bends her leg and it cuts off the flow). Because she is at greater risk of bleeding and other complications, they're taking her to the operating room for this where they can have anesthesia and other things readily available if need be - but prayerfully everything will go smoothly. Then, I think it might be a few more days and we might be going to a room in the heart center. That will be nice! They are letting me sleep in her room in ICU (though I am right under a vent and freeze myself to pieces every night!), which is VERY nice since she wakes up quite a bit at night and needs help moving pillows and blankets around. But the rooms in the heart center have their own bathrooms with showers and are much homier. Although, I have to say it is very comforting being taken care of by such specialized nurses and being right down the hall from the surgery team - but, then again, they still won't be very far away. And I have a feeling the surgeons will be checking on us quite often.

Please pray that tomorrow goes well (I don't know what time the procedure will be), and that Bailey's fever goes away so she can continue to work on getting stronger every day. The physical therapist is quite impressed with her ability to move around - she wanted to know his name after he left, so she's probably planning to try and set another date. Geez!

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.
Have a good evening, everyone!
Love, Angie

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tues. p.m. - 02-08-05

Busy day - had lots of medical visitors today -- social workers, child psych, child life, music therapy, teacher/tutor -- on top of all the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, anesthesiologists, etc., that pop in. She must be looking like she's feeling better since they all seemed to emerge at once. Bailey managed to stand on her own today and sit in a chair for about 20 minutes. This really tires her out and by the time she got back in bed she was running a fever - maybe from a little fluid in her lungs. She's breathing pretty fast and shallow, which I guess is normal, but we need to work on deeper breathing now. Still has A-fib/flutter, but no one is really concerned yet. Just another day of weening down nitric oxide and oxygen, etc. Hopefully another good night of sleep for tonight. She took a really good nap this afternoon, so I'm hoping we're getting back on our day/night/afternoon nap schedule.

I am now here by myself in the mornings (Scott and Nancy went back to work) and Bailey has agreed to let me go shower when we wake up - we all appreciate that! So she won't be by herself too long, I won't be taking the time to post a message in the morning. In other words, don't worry when you don't find a morning message. I get my break in the evenings when Scott and Nancy come to visit, so that will be my posting time from now on.

For now, all doctors are still happy and we're slowly progressing.

Have a good evening, Angie

Tues. a.m. - 02-08-05


Bailey had a good night. She slept really well - talking in her sleep. Josie must have been really getting on her nerves! Haha!

She had atrial flutter (irregular heartbeat) that started around 9:00 last night and still going on, but the doctors have been in and don't seem worried about it. It's not A-Fib (like she had back in April), so she doesn't have to get shocked again - thank goodness! I slept good too and feeling much better than I was on Sunday. We'll see how many more dates Bailey can get today, and I'll report this evening . . .

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Sat Up For The First Time Today

I came back from lunch and Bailey was sitting in a recliner in her room! They were changing her bed to a more comfortable one, and she took a few steps to the recliner. She sat there about 20-30 minutes when she said it was hard and she wanted back in bed. The VAD is taking some getting used to. She doesn't want to see it, but I see her peeking when they change her dressing twice a day. I got to tell her today that we met the German doctor who brought the VAD over and showed her his business card and the picture we got of him. (I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures on here. I'm not sure how to get it from my memory stick to the blog page.) She's drinking really well, but not much hungry anymore. The doctors are trying to "put the puzzle pieces together" now that she's off the ventilator and feeling much better. She, once again, is "one of a kind". Her PA pressure was in the 40's last week while on the ventilator but has been in the low 100's the past two days. They made an adjustment on the VAD this afternoon (did an echo and said the right side can take more, so they increased the flow) and the pressures have fallen steadily into the 70's. That makes me feel much better. But I won't be surprised if they go up again. They are talking of weening her off the nitric oxide (a gas that keeps her PA pressure down) - also, interesting to note, this is the first time they've given nitric oxide through a mask - they always give it through the ventilator tube. They've apparently given it via mask to adults, but, once again, Bailey is just barreling through uncharted territory - she seems to gravitate to that kind of thing. She's a miracle baby three times over!

She's beginning to converse with all the medical people that come in and out - she already has a date with a respiratory therapist to some Chinese restaurant when she gets out (not sure how that happened - I was at lunch). And a date to Joe's Crab Shack for crab legs with someone else. Child Life Specialists are coming tomorrow to start in on homework to get her caught up. Music therapist is coming tomorrow to play some songs for/with her. And they're working on getting her a stationary bike for exercise when she goes to the Heart Center after ICU - from what I hear, that could be anywhere from a few days to a week from now. She's had wonderful nurses and is finally getting to enjoy them now that she's awake and with it and not seeing things that aren't there anymore.

Well, say a small prayer for another good day tomorrow. We never know what we'll encounter around here!

Love to all, Angie

(P.S. Josie's participating in Jump-Rope-for-Heart at school in honor of Bailey. If anyone would like to contribute, you can send a check to Josie at our home address - which I won't publicize here - by next Monday.)

Mon. - 02-07-05

The computer must have thought it was a wonderful day too, because I see it posted my last update about a thousand times. Sorry about that! I give you my word that I did not sit here and click the post button a thousand times. I'm trying to clean that up, but it looks like I have to delete them one-by-one. Hm. I might have better things to do.

Bailey had a good night. She slept pretty well and is feeling really good. She's very weak still, but gaining strength every day. Everyone is still happy, and she's not scared anymore and not seeing things anymore. She does remember seeing those strange things, but is much less irritated when I tell her those things really didn't happen. She doesn't remember anything about the vent - being on it or the episode coming off of it. Thank goodness! She doesn't even remember the nurse who she told she loved her.

I've had my break this morning, so it's time to go back to the room. Hopefully another uneventful day here at ICU.

I'll keep you posted,

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!y!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie
tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!y!21

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie
tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie
night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie

Oh, What a Wonderful Day!

Bailey's doing so well! She still hasn't slept much, but she's got so much more energy. Still weak and shaky, but she actually sat up today. She's eating Cheerios and drinking Root Beer! It's so, so, so good to see her happy and feeling good.

I got to spend the day at home today and took a nice 3-hour nap in my own bed. That felt really, really good, but I tell you, it was so hard to leave here this morning. God took advantage of that, though, and used it as an opportunity to let me know it's OK to take a break. Scott called me at home a couple times to tell me how good she was doing. The surgeon came in today and was very pleased and was joking around with Bailey (he's moving this weekend and asked Bailey if she'd buy his condo because he needs the money - I bet! haha!) - said her numbers are looking great and she was doing so good. Her PA pressure is still high, but they're not working on those right now. They're just adjusting blood pressure stuff, getting IV meds over to oral meds, etc. They say there's plenty of time to work on teh PA pressure.

So, if the doctors are happy, we're happy.

Todd, I gave her Squirt today - she's loving it!

Thank you all so much for the gifts, cards, messages, comments, food, prayers, etc. They have given us such encouragement! And now that Bailey's not seeing things that aren't there anymore (boy, that was kind of freaky!), I'll start sharing the cards and comments with her.

Hoping to get a good night's rest tonight, but, I tell you, I feel like a new person already. It's so nice to see her pretty smiling face! I wish you guys could see it!

Good night - Angie