Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Slow Day Today

Today didn't seem quite as busy as a normal weekday. I think it's because of spring breaks. We finally got Bailey's science and social studies homework from the last six weeks over the weekend, so now we're beginning work on catching up with school.

Colin, the transplant kid we met last week, popped in again today. He and his family are so nice. It's incredible how much he and Bailey have in common - not only their medical history but also their likes and dislikes. They both love crab from Joe's Crab Shack; they both like to pick at themselves (like dry skin, lips, etc.); X-Box games; etc. He saw Bailey's birdhouse she build last week and said "I have about 20 of those at home." He's had about 25 surgeries in his lifetime. They gave us their phone number and they want to be called when Bailey gets her heart. We come away so encouraged after talking with them.

We made another 10:00 p.m. run to McDonalds for Apple Dippers - Bailey walked with me this time. She's even standing up straighter when she walks now. She still just seems to be doing better every day. I'm so proud of her. We are truly blessed.

Thank you to all of you who want to visit but haven't because of sickness. We really can't afford Bailey getting sick since a heart could come at any time. I also found out that a heart has to be transplanted within 6 hours of being taken from the donor. Wow! That's incredibly fast. They say we'll get a call any time of the day or night saying they found a possible match and they'll take Bailey to surgery where we'll wait on another call after final inspection of the heart saying yes or no to prep her for surgery. What a trip that will be, huh? Colin's dad said transplant surgery only takes 4 or 5 hours. He tells us that going through these last 6 weeks is the hardest part - it only gets easier from here. That's hard to imagine, but I'm thinking positive about it!

Well, I don't know about Bailey, but I'm ready for bed!

We'll, of course, talk to you tomorrow night. And while you're saying a prayer for Bailey, please also pray for the donor's family - I hope we never find ourselves in their position.

Love, Angie


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