Monday, March 21, 2005

Fever's Gone

Bailey still didn't feel too good yesterday, but her fever went away mid-afternoon, and never came back again. She's feeling back to normal! Dr. T thinks it was the central line going bad that gave her a fever and that's why it went away so fast after they took the line out. So she's being treated with a high-powered antibiotic to get rid of any bacteria. I focused so much on all the stress Friday, that I forgot to report the most exciting thing that happened Friday morning! The new Chief of Police of IPD visited Bailey and appointed her Honorary Chief of Police for the Day. (Dr. T wants her to "not use it yet and save it up" for the next time he gets a ticket. It's all about him!) She received a framed certificate, an "Honorary Chief of Police" IPD T-shirt with her name on it, a cool sports bag, and a brass IPD paperweight. She was so excited! It was really neat. I knew he was coming but it was supposed to be a secret to Bailey, so I was giving her hints and then Tom came in and added to the hints and, by the time he arrived, we had her believing it was going to be Bozo the Clown! She was pleasantly surprised.

I hope you enjoy the pictures I posted over the weekend. I finally figured out how to do it! It's taken many weeks. I just bought myself a digital camera back in November and found that our computer at home wasn't updated enough to run the software package it came with. So I had to "take the long way around the barn", but it worked!

The girls and I brought back eggs tonight for Bailey and the girls to color for Easter, so that kept us all busy for a while!

Hope you all had a good weekend. We did!!



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