Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Appetite's Growing Quickly

The dietician said Bailey almost met her caloric intake requirement all by herself yesterday, which was the first full day she was off of her I.V. food. That's quite an accomplishment. Today her appetite has been even better. She had some of Aunt Vickie's chicken and noodles, some homemade brownies with caramel swirls, one-half of a large sandwich from Arby's, and lots of snacks in between. Between the good sleep and good appetite, Bailey is feeling really, really good. She's spending about half of the day sitting in a chair playing games and doing crafts.

Marissa finally braved wearing a mask tonight! So she got to come in Bailey's room for the first time. She was so proud of herself - she said "It's fun being in here with Bailey, and I can even breathe with this mask on!" I did cover that information with her previously, but she must have forgot.

Bailey wasn't allowed to take a walk today because her blood was a little too thin (falling would have caused nasty bruising or even worse), but we were able to take a wheelchair ride to the gift shop where Bailey made her first purchase - a birthstone ring and necklace. Very pretty!

We're getting the impression we'll find out in the next few days or so what direction we're headed - whether Bailey's heart is recovering or whether she'll get a transplant. So I'm having a kind of nervous anxiety. Bailey's pretty nervous to find out too, but she is so incredibly brave. We talk through our fear so we can stay positive. We'll let you guys know as soon as we find something out.

We heard today that the U.S. Military is flying a boy from Afghanistan to Riley to have open heart surgery. That's pretty neat! We might get to meet him since we're in the Heart Center and I assume he will be too.

Thank you for all your prayers! God is definitely blessing us!!

Love, Angie


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