Mon. - 02-07-05
The computer must have thought it was a wonderful day too, because I see it posted my last update about a thousand times. Sorry about that! I give you my word that I did not sit here and click the post button a thousand times. I'm trying to clean that up, but it looks like I have to delete them one-by-one. Hm. I might have better things to do.
Bailey had a good night. She slept pretty well and is feeling really good. She's very weak still, but gaining strength every day. Everyone is still happy, and she's not scared anymore and not seeing things anymore. She does remember seeing those strange things, but is much less irritated when I tell her those things really didn't happen. She doesn't remember anything about the vent - being on it or the episode coming off of it. Thank goodness! She doesn't even remember the nurse who she told she loved her.
I've had my break this morning, so it's time to go back to the room. Hopefully another uneventful day here at ICU.
I'll keep you posted,
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