Paisley and F16 Fighter Pilots Visit
Bailey's friend Paisley is feeling better and came to spend time with Bailey today since they didn't have school. It was good to see her - they had a good time together. Paisley got to see how there are all kinds of people coming and going all day long. Five F16 fighter pilots from Terre Haute visited this afternoon. Dr. Terrentine himself escorted them in - I found out that he's the one who organizes the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds to participate in the annual Mt. Comfort Air Show that benefits Riley Hospital. Pretty cool, huh?! These guys were nice. Dr. Terrentine's a sap, though. They were taking pictures of Bailey and the pilots when Dr. Terrentine said "Ya know, if none of you guys have colds, there's no reason why you can't take your masks off for the picture." I nearly spoke up myself and said, "Uh-uh-uh-uh! Masks and gloves!", but I thought better. It was really fun, and Bailey enjoyed the compliments from the 5 guys in uniform. Dr. Terrentine explained to them the technology that Bailey is involved in with her Berlin Heart, and they were pretty impressed and compared it to an F16 - they said it sounds like there's more technology involved in Bailey than an F16. They were really nice guys - we enjoyed that visit. I'm reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I've never been a big "magic" person, but one of the anesthesiologists gave Bailey a few of the books, so I picked one up. Actually very entertaining and an easy read - if anyone was wondering. Haha! They unhooked the IV "food" today so hopefully Bailey's appetite will pick up a bit. She sent her dad out for White Castle tonight and she had Oreo sticks and creme for a snack. She ate a whole burger! Things are looking up! I've been trying my best to eat off of Bailey's hospital tray since she won't touch it and so as little as possible goes to waste, but, I tell you, there's not a whole lot that's edible and I am not a picky eater. Although today for lunch they brought a pork chop with rice and veggies, and that was not bad at all. But it was quickly overtaken by the cold mashed potatoes and roast beef for dinner. I was really taken aback by the lack of quality in the hospital trays - I really hate to say anything derrogatory but, man, I'm just really glad Bailey's not stuck with eating from the tray. It would be a long, slow road. I think that covers it for now. This laptop we have in our room is pretty nice, except I do miss the atmosphere of the library - it's so pretty down there. I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow night. Hope all is well with everyone! Good night - Angie |
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