Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tues. p.m. - 02-08-05

Busy day - had lots of medical visitors today -- social workers, child psych, child life, music therapy, teacher/tutor -- on top of all the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, anesthesiologists, etc., that pop in. She must be looking like she's feeling better since they all seemed to emerge at once. Bailey managed to stand on her own today and sit in a chair for about 20 minutes. This really tires her out and by the time she got back in bed she was running a fever - maybe from a little fluid in her lungs. She's breathing pretty fast and shallow, which I guess is normal, but we need to work on deeper breathing now. Still has A-fib/flutter, but no one is really concerned yet. Just another day of weening down nitric oxide and oxygen, etc. Hopefully another good night of sleep for tonight. She took a really good nap this afternoon, so I'm hoping we're getting back on our day/night/afternoon nap schedule.

I am now here by myself in the mornings (Scott and Nancy went back to work) and Bailey has agreed to let me go shower when we wake up - we all appreciate that! So she won't be by herself too long, I won't be taking the time to post a message in the morning. In other words, don't worry when you don't find a morning message. I get my break in the evenings when Scott and Nancy come to visit, so that will be my posting time from now on.

For now, all doctors are still happy and we're slowly progressing.

Have a good evening, Angie


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