Tuesday, November 06, 2007

. . . and Still Hanging Out in ICU

We're down to 1 on the nitric - maybe off tomorrow and then up to the heart center? We'll see. Dr. D did an echo today. Don't know the results of that yet - I'm sure we'll hear something tomorrow. We've had a full day of Yahtzee and a new game called Shake. It consists of a bunch of dice to roll (even more than Yahtzee) - we had to stop playing that game because every time Bailey would roll, it would show up on the monitor as V-tach. Oops! Our nurse kept coming in the room, "Are you rolling again?" Hee-hee! We thought we'd give her a break and move on to Mancala.

Nausea hit pretty hard this evening. I hate it when she feels so sick. I just want to take it away from her. She's feeling better at the moment. Hopefully she can sleep well tonight. We had a little baby move in next door to us last night, and these rooms are not nearly as sound proof as the rooms in the heart center. We both woke up to lots of crying last night. That's a little hard to take -- not only do we lose some sleep but it's so sad to hear a baby crying out, I'm sure, in some kind of pain, discomfort or fear. You just want to run to it and try to comfort it. And we heard that things have been pretty busy at the other end of the hallway (that we can't see or hear, thankfully). That always gives you a stomach ache, too, to see lots of medical people scurrying in and out of a room. Lots of kids to pray for around here. I'm just glad we're not one of the rooms needing immediate attention. Lots of things to be grateful for here too.

And I woke up at 6am this morning to Bailey's heart monitor sounding strange. Our nurse, Stacia (she's wonderful, by the way), was popping in and out silencing the monitor and taking printouts of the rhythm. Bailey's pacemaker is set at a low rate of 85, and the rate on the monitor was dropping into the 70's. So I was really confused as to what exactly was going on -- you know what it's like when you're not fully awake, things are a little confused and distorted. I wanted to get up and ask Stacia what was going on, but by the time I would have climbed out of the recliner I would have woken Bailey up, so I just pulled my sleeping bag up over my head and tried to think about the tropics. There is a time and place for denial - it's not always a bad thing. Ha! I found out later in the day that her heart was definitely doing something, but it wasn't flutter or anything that they needed to be alarmed about. So, that's good. And tonight it was doing some funky things and Chrissy (another one of our wonderful people) called Dr. D and Dr. T and they weren't too concerned about this one either. Who knows, she might do things like this at home all the time. Never a dull moment here.

Dr. T came in today to check on Bailey. They were yipping and yapping back and forth and it was his turn to fire back, and he just started laughing! He said he thought of a great comeback but he couldn't say it. So he just stood there at our door and laughed at us. He wouldn't even let us in on it. So Bailey fired a few pieces of candy (Dots) at him, and he took off.

Well, time for bed. We might try to squeeze in a quick game of Yahtzee first though. Bailey's been beating me very badly. We've played 12 games, and I've won 2. Pathetic really. She's even starting to feel sorry for me. That's the strategy all along -- to get her sympathy and then move in for the kill! Nah. Just being stupid. They say that ICU psychosis is a real thing. They might be right.

Good night everybody!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Yahtzee Nuts!!!!

You two are funny! I can just see
you both playing and strategizing (sp). It's a beautiful day! By the way, is the litte baby next door,
last name Wuest? I have a friend
that has a friend and their baby is in Riley w/ heart problems.
Just curious....
I'll pray for ya Bailey that today you get to go back to the Heart Center.

Love you both-


10:00 AM  

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