Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We're Home

Today went well. Bailey did fine coming off the milrinone last night and has now been in rhythm for more than 24 hours! She hasn't lost any fluid, but the doctors say that will take a while. They didn't want to give her anymore I.V. lasix for risk of dehydration - been there, done that. Not much fun.

We have the best medical team in the world. And our resident (Dr. Berkimer) and our med student (Matt) were even wonderful. We've seen lots of residents and med students come and go, and these two were, by far, our favorites. They have great medical careers ahead of them. I would consider ourselves blessed if they chose pediatric cardiology and stayed at Riley. So, in case you might be reading this, guys, thanks so much for all your help this past week and for taking such good care of us. We truly appreciate you!

And Dr. Bramlet and Dr. Darragh were wonderful as ever. We always feel very safe in their hands. In fact, Bailey and I were a little nervous about being sent home today with all the fluid around her belly that she has, and Dr. Bramlet came in to give us a "pep talk" about it. He was very positive and basically, they trust us to keep the posted and we trust them that they wouldn't send us home if they thought it was not a good idea. So, we just hope and pray that Bailey's fluid will go away. It will take weeks, I'm sure, but as long as there's progress in that direction, we'll be fine.

Bailey won't be going back to school for a while still. She has so much additional weight that she can't walk very far. She get short of breath and feels like her sides are gonna split. We're hoping to set up some kind of homebound school program where she can get some tutoring and stay current on her school work. I'll have to get that moving tomorrow.

I'm hoping to get back to work tomorrow. Tom works nights, so he'll be here at home with Bailey. I'll be a little nervous at first leaving her, but I'm hopeful it's the right decision.

Wow! What beautiful weather today. Last we stepped outside, it was 90. Such a refreshing change. Hope you all get a chance to enjoy it.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. It helps us more than you could ever know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angie and Bailey,

I'm so glad you two are home. I'm sure Tom, Josie and Rissy are happy for that too. I hope you got to enjoy some of the good weather today.

Love and prayers,


8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks goodness you are home at last!! I loved the pictures. Bailey looks so good...hard to believe she has been through so much. Angie, you and your family are such an inspiration to me, and to so many more people I am sure. Just when I think I am having a rough time or a bad day, I think of you and your positive attitudes. Enjoy returning to some normalcy, and I know the gang at R&L will be happy to see you tomorrow. Looking forward to the next post to hear about how much better Bailey is getting every day! Take care, Teri Margason

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bailey and Angie: You're home! Woo hoo! It might even feel good to Angie to get back to work, and we sure have missed her! Take care, both of you, and see you soon.

2:36 PM  

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