Saturday, September 08, 2007

Josie is 13!

Josie got to have her birthday party/sleepover with her friends last night. They are all such good girls - they had lots of fun. Bailey called last night at home to tell me her thighs were swelling, so I didn't rest too well. My heart was back at the hospital with Bailey, but I did enjoy being at home for a short while. I returned today around noon with Josie and Marissa, and we continued to celebrate Josie's birthday with Bailey. We had cake and presents, and lots of fun. Shared her cake with doctors and nurses.

We're just hanging out today waiting on Monday's cardioversion. Bailey actually weighed a little less this morning (1/2 pound) but, hey, that wasn't a gain! We celebrate even the little things. We've taken a couple walks around the Heart Center today. It's hard for her to walk with what feels like a jelly-filled innertube around her belly, but it's good exercise. She doesn't complain at all. And her dad and Nancy brought us BBQ ribs tonight. Oh, wow. Those were good.

Our med student, Matt, told us that every year the med school has a talent show for charity and he has a friend that writes his own music and puts together a little group of stringed instruments to play it. He asked if Bailey would be interested in playing her violin and, of course, she is, so Matt went to ask his friend if he would be interested in having Bailey join them, and he is! She is SO excited. That will be so much fun - she's already looking forward to it. I'm not sure when it is - maybe the spring?

Well, Bailey followed me in here and she's staring at a drop of saline just hanging on to the bottom of the IV tube. We are easily entertained! She says it looks like a uvula. Ha!

Oh!!! She looked away just for a split second and it dripped! I wonder how long it will be before we get another drop just hanging there. Can't wait!

Bailey's yawning. Gotta finish her walk and get her to bed. Have a good Sunday everybody! We hope to be home soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it is 5am and I am sitting at the nurses station right outside of your room....thinking I should come in and wake you all up! :) I just wanted to let you both know how much I love you and what an inspiration you are to me. What a blessing it is that you are a part of my life!
Love, Jenny

5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Nurse Jenny....from all of us who love Angie and Bailey so much...We thank you for the love and care that you give. For we can't be there with them like you are and we are so grateful that they are blessed to be with such amazing people like you! Your note made me cry and I just wanted to say "Thank You"!

Miss Angie and Miss ARE an inspiration and we love you!

Mary Ann

10:16 AM  

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