Feeling Better
Well, it was good to see Dr. Darragh and the rest of our normal staff today. It's a pretty skeletal crew on weekends and especially holidays. We arrived at 11:00 this morning and were met with Dr. Darragh right away on the Heart Center. He gave us a plan. They started an IV medication called milranone that she's been on before and it helps her heart beat stronger so more blood gets circulated through her entire body, more specifically her kidneys (which will result in her spending a lot of time in the bathroom getting rid of fluid) and her stomach (which will allow her appetite to come back and she can eat more). It's working. She's eaten more this afternoon and evening than she has since Thursday and her stomach is feeling much better. Don't know if she's actually lost weight yet (she weighed in today at 6 pounds more than when we were admitted on Thursday, so she's been gaining about a pound a day) but she was able to relax enough to take a nap. It's so good to see her feeling much better already. Dr. T popped in and checked on us a few times today. Bailey was passing M&M's out to her doctors. Dr. Bramlet (a cardiology fellow) has quickly become another one of her favorites. He also makes us feel completely safe and taken care of when he's around. He had a few days off this holiday weekend so we didn't get to see him until today. We were hoping he didn't leave . . . we've seen a few fellows come and go in our day.
Bailey's teachers are e-mailing her homework and she's working on writing a paper right now in her room for English class. The hospital loaned her a lap top so she can work in her room. I dragged all 75 pounds of her books from home, so she's ready to jump in and keep up with school. The teachers here at Riley are also in contact with her school and helping Bailey stay caught up.
Dr. D says we'll be here "a few days". We've learned enough around here enough to know that that means we have no idea when we're going home. Hopefully in 3 days, but who knows. He has also stopped the flecainide (which was just started Thursday) since he said it proved to be a "miserable failure" and is starting a new anti-arrythmia medication tonight, propafenone (I hope I didn't butcher that). We'll see how that works. But for now, the milranone is doing wonders for her physical comfort right now. We'll take one step at a time. (She's still in flutter. No word yet on cardioversion, but I guess that might happen tomorrow.)
Love you all, and thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments. You're an incredible support to us both.
Have a good night, all!
Angie & Bailey-
I am so glad to hear that the new med. is pushing some of the fluid
out so Bailey can eat. Everyone @
Carmel Lutheran (Mom & Dad's church) and St. Jude are praying for you daily. God is always with
us!!! I know he continues to be at
your side. Mark is in Pennsylvania
and sends his love. Get some rest
and I will "comment" tomorrow.
Love you both -
Dee, Mark & Kids
**The kids say "Hello" and get well
Love you guys-
I hope you're both feeling tons better today. I won't get to come visit today because I have to skip lunch and leave work early to pick up Christian's senior pictures. Assuming you'll still be there Thursday, I'll come over and you can help me pick pictures. :)
Love you and miss you,
Good Morning! So, glad to hear that you are feeling a wee bit better with the new med. I am thinking of you both and praying.
Love to you...
Hi Guys --
Glad to hear things are going a bit better! Thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope you'll be out of there real soon. Have a spare laptop if you need it. Have kept my neighborhood FC kids posted and they, too, are sending good thoughts and prayers your way!! God bless and take care -
Hey guys,
We are so glad to hear that you are feeling better, Bailey. We were on our way to see you Saturday, but you were feeling pretty yucky it sounds like. Did you get to see the fireworks? We watched them on tv. Please let us know when you'd like some visitors. We would love to see you.
Aunt Vickie has been doing a day-to-day update for us so even though we haven't seen you we've been kept up to date with our prayers.
I'd offer to come and help you with your school work, but we both know that would be comical. Let's see...you're a sophomore now...I could help you with English Lit, possibly some Science and definitely any creative classes...but MATH! I've hated math for nearly 30 years!! Melyn is taking PreCal and Trig...I get dizzy every time I see her textbooks laying on the table! Good luck with that. :)
We love you, Bails. And its not like you haven't heard this a thousand times, but just in case you've forgotten...we are so proud of the young woman you are becoming. I have learned so much from your example of living life with such grace and strength. What an incredible impact you are making on literally hundreds of people's lives. You keep us on our toes...radio...dinner addresses...tv commercials...jet setting to other countries (Germany)...I can't wait to see what God has next for you.
We love you guys. Let us know if you need anything. We'll see you soon.
Love, Aunt Deb and the Apple Fam xo xo
Angie & Bailey -
Hope you are improving by the second. Thinking of you and wanted to give you a shout -
"HELLO". Mikey says hmmmyooipp -
by the way, that was his typing.
I thought that would give you a laugh.
Love you guys -
Hi Girls!
It sounds like you're feeling at least a little bit better and are getting some food and much needed sleep. Keep it up and feel better soon so you can go home and relax!
Love ya!
Angie & Bailey-
We are hoping you are getting all the rest you need. Can't wait to get an update. Prayers of many,
each hour of the day are coming your way.
Peace & Blessings-
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