Hanging in There
Just hanging in there waiting for tomorrow's cardioversion. Bailey had kind of a bum night last night - kind of a hard time breathing for a little while and then woke up around 2:00am nauseous. Ended up getting sick but then seemed to sleep ok the rest of the night. They went down on her milranone but her heart rate went up a little, which they don't really want right now, so they went back up on it this morning. She's still getting a relatively small amount but they want to keep that delicate balance between the milranone, lasix, and all her other medication right now. She was up a pound from yesterday. I can't wait for her to lose her belly - it really is uncomfortable for her to walk.
Josie and Riss visited us today. Riss got injured in the gift shop. She was reaching over her head to replace a book on the shelf she was looking at. She didn't get the book all the way on the shelf and all 4 or 5 of them came tumbling down and slid right down the bridge of her nose. She has a couple nice raw spots. And she didn't even cry. Her eyes teared up, but she held it together. I told her it was ok to cry if it hurt because, if it was me, I would be bawling by now. She thought that was funny. Then went to the library to get some books and a movie/documentary about the International Space Station. Riss is very interested in space. Not sure where the interest came from, but she likes the space shuttle, rockets, zero gravity . . . she is really interested in learning a lot about it. Who knows? Maybe she'll be a little astronaut someday.
Well, I'm hoping for a better night tonight and a very successful day tomorrow. Hopefully the cardioversion will go well and Bailey's heart will stay in rhythm with the new medication. This is cardioversion #16, and I'm more nervous with this one than any of the others. Don't know when we'll get to go home. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Tuesday ???? - time will tell.
I'll keep you posted.
Have a good night everybody!
Good Morning Girls
Bailey, I hope you had a good night. We will be thinking about you today. Jim, Corbin and me are all thinking about you and praying for you. Sorry I didn't make it over to see you last week.
Lots of Love Mimi
Bailey and Angie: We love and miss you both. It was a difficult weekend, I went to see Jill. She is being very strong, and even asked about Bailey! We're all praying that Bailey can lift our spirits again, although that's a lot of pressure to put on her young shoulders. Take care.
OK - just to keep you entertained - did you know Angela has black hair with purple highlights and a streak that goes from yellow to green to blue? It really does look good - professionally done and all - but . . .she says she feels like it looks like the real Angela - most people agree. Andrea got part of her braces off last week and can't hardly wait until the rest come off next week. Talk to you soon!
Nancy D.
It was wonderful to see you on Sunday Bailey. Per Erica, the nurse was right---you do always look so "put together." Emily and Lyndie think your hair is prettier than Hannah Montana's so that means you are way cool. Ha Ha...I hope all goes well today and you get to go home soon. We all love you and Uncle Jim says hi too.
Love Aunt Robin
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