Saturday, April 02, 2005

April Fool's Day

Don't worry. After last night, I'm too tired to play any April Fool's joke here, so don't worry about that. Bailey didn't go to sleep last night until 2:30 a.m. We got back from the game at 11:30 and she was so wired and excited, she was just not going to go to sleep. Then, Dave, her night nurse, came in at 2:30 and I said . . . well, actually, I begged, "Dave, make her go to beeeeeeeed." He said, "Bailey, go to bed," and left. She did! I had to wake her up at 10:30 this morning to take her 8:00 medicine.

Shondra, the Child Life specialist, brought Bailey a pair of blow-up clown feet. So, Bailey's trick for April Fool's Day was to tell everyone that came in that her feet were a little "swollen". (We wanted to think of something that wouldn't give people a heart attack, which weeded out a lot of tricks.) She did it to Dr. T when he walked in, and he grabbed them and threatened to clobber her with them. We had some fun with that. Then at about 7:45 this evening, I laid down in bed with Bailey to help her with her homework and pretty much fell asleep immediately. A nurse knocked on the door telling me her leads fell off (the stickies on her chest that leads to the monitor that reads her heartbeat and respiratory rate). It was then that I discovered Bailey asleep too! So we fixed her leads and slept until 10:00. Now we're watching a movie. While we were asleep, the transport team from last night's game came up to give Bailey copies of the pictures they took in the suite. We didn't even hear them come in!

Did you guys see the article in this last week's People magazine about transplants? It was about whether or not transplant patients "inherit" a trait or two of the donor (i.e., craving for the donor's favorite food; attraction to the donor's favorite music, etc.). They say there's really no scientific evidence, although cells do have "memory" and it would kind of make sense. But in the article, they interview some transplant patients who say they have experienced sudden strange changes like that and find out that the donor liked those things. It's very interesting. That's one thing that the transplant coordinator here told us -- that people on the street might ask questions like "Do you crave the donor's favorite food," etc. -- and she told us that it's not true. I guess we'll find out!

I'm going home in the morning. I'll try to post Pacer game pictures and I'll talk to you Sunday evening. Thank you for reading and keeping updated on Bailey. We love you!!


P.S. Happy Birthday, Jim!!


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