Friday, November 09, 2007

Cardioversion #25

Cardioversion went well this morning -- very quick and only took one try. However, she went into flutter 45 minutes later. That was a disappointment. They decided not to do anything over the weekend and just let Bailey rest and see if she can get to feeling better. She's still nauseous and very, very tired. I think the tiredness is from a drug, adavan, that is a relaxer. But it really drugs her up good. I was worried today that the exhaustion might not be from the adavan and maybe more due to ill-health and depression, and that was very worrisome. I tell ya, it's very difficult to handle this when she feels so bad - when she wants to wake up and cries because she can't - when she sits up and grabs her puke bucket and hovers over it with her eyes shut, swerving back and forth trying to keep from falling asleep - when she looks at me and says she's scared - when she can't stay awake long enough to entertain me.

Dr. T came in today and said he's talking with Dr. D about an open heart surgery to repair 3 of her 4 leaky valves. He covered all scenarios including another VAD (not the Berlin this time, since she's grown big enough for the American version) and possibly bridge to transplant. We have been aware of the possibilities for a few months now, but hearing it again and knowing that if they can't get her in sinus rhythm it could happen sooner rather than later weighs quite heavy on our hearts. Bailey didn't want to talk much with Dr. T today about what she might have to be going through here before too long, but she has now decided she wants to hear more about the VAD he might use and ask other questions. The VAD he's thinking of using is one that is implantable and she could go home with. But going home with it scares her - she wants to be right here at the hospital safe and sound in the midst of her medical team. He's coming to talk to her tomorrow and hopefully he can help calm her fears a little bit. She's been so sick lately that I think she's at the point where she'd like to do whatever can be done to make her feel better even if it involves another surgery and VAD.

This is pretty scary going into this again. Having been there once, I just hope and pray that this next time around is as successful as the first time. Please continue to pray for Bailey.

Thank you,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and prayers, lori

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to pray, pray, pray. God is able, so hang in there! I loved the comments about your 'network' that were posted earlier. Your network is still here and growing! I'm sure you have no idea how many care about you guys and are continuing to pray.

6:41 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Hi Angie and Bailey,
Thanks so much for all of the detailed updates. I'm so sorry I can't be there with you during this rough time, but please know that I've been thinking about you often and reading all of the updates from home. I am scheduled to have the baby on Mon, November 19th--just over a week left! Hang in there!

Ann Hannan

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angie -

My oh my, we just wish for
Bailey to feel better and pray that God will put the path before
everyone to make that happen. We
really miss you guys. Our hearts
are with all of you. Just know that a day and hour doesn't go by that we aren't thinking and praying for you. You know we love
all of you very much and will do
anything for all of you. We will
talk to you soon! If Tom needs us
please, please let us know. All of
us are here for you! We don't mind if you just need us to bring the girls to and fro, meals, cleaning -
ANYTHING!!! We are here for you.
Our hearts are very heavy as we know this is a difficult and unknown time.
Many Blessings and Peace-

Dee, Mark & Kids

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girls - I know I haven't posted in a while but you have stayed in our hearts and prayers. Andrea and I were just out there Monday seeing Hemotology - Dr. Heiny. It helps Andrea to see Bailey's picture whenever they draw blood. We don't want to pop in when Bailey is not feeling well. Stay strong - or at least hold on to all of your family and friend's strength. We love you.
Mike, Nancy, Angela & Andrea DeCamp

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so sorry that things are so tough right now. I love you, and am praying for you and for God's healing on Bailey. If there is anything you, Tom or the girls need, I am here. I live so close to you. So please let me know if there is something tangible I can do. I will, of course, continue praying.


1:50 PM  

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