Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bailey's Doing Great

Hi everybody! To tell you the truth, besides computer issues, probably the biggest reason I've not been posting every day is because I've just been plain nervous here at home! Bailey is doing great and improves a little more every day. But, boy! Not having the security blanket of the hospital right outside our room has taken some getting used to - and I don't think I'm quite there yet, but, just like Bailey, I'm doing a little better every day. We had a follow-up appointment with Dr. T today and, although she was so upset to get her blood drawn that we ended up not getting that done, everything went very well. Sterile dressing changes are over now. Darn! I was starting to feel like a nurse! Her incision is healing very well and the canula sites are also doing well. There are still some stitches in there - he was able to remove a couple but the others are embedded in scabs - but everything is looking really good. No sign of infection yet - and hopefully it will remain that way. Dr. T told us today that they just can't believe she's doing so well. He said she's been talked about a lot lately about what they've learned from her and how they can use that information in the future. He also told us about two of his VAD patients that Bailey visited at Methodist and how Bailey has inspired them to not give up and to even start getting out and moving around a bit. That, in itself, is worth the whole last 6 months. They were telling themselves that if Bailey can do it, they can do it.

We've done a little school shopping, registered for school . . . even went to the mall tonight for a quick shopping trip. We're trying to get a little mini-vacation to southwest Michigan together in the next week or so. Vacation! Boy, that would be nice.

Bailey's been very patient with her room. We should be able to move her furniture in tomorrow! It's very pretty. Tom did a fantastic job on the woodwork - and I did a pretty decent job myself on painting the ENTIRE wall of shelves. However, it has really shown me how much more out of shape I am than I was 6 months ago. I guess those feelings I had of my muscles just dwindling away were real! I've been trying to squeeze in a nap during the day - out of necessity, not just desire. I guess that will eventually get back to normal - but I think I really need to get some exercise to help boost it along. I really am shocked at how physically weak I am.

Bailey's got this popping sensation across her chest if she moves her arms just right, and it really causes her a lot of pain. Dr. T looked closely at things today - he was feeling around and pressing right on her incision on her sternum, kind of made me cringe - but everything seemed fine. He says it's just a part of the healing process. It was good to see him and his staff today. After seeing them every day for such a long time, we really are missing them!

Well, that's pretty much it for now. Just know that we are doing fine, thanking God every day and all day long for our blessings, and appreciate all of you out there for your prayers.

Have a great day everybody! We'll talk to you again soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I posted last night and I get my blog fix today. I feel special!!! Well I so glad that you and Bailey are doing good. We will keep praying. It's amaizing what God can do.


10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all the good news! Thanks Angie, for the FIX!!!


1:30 PM  

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