Back on the Heart Center
Yeah!! We're back! Such a sigh of relief.
We were still in ICU when the Thunderbirds came this morning, but they found Bailey. Such nice guys. And very impressive! Dr. T told them her story when they came in, and they were genuinely happy for us and impressed with all that Bailey's been through. They told her she was very brave and they were so excited for her that everything's going so well. What nice guys.
Then, our next step this morning was being cardioverted. Bailey still had an irregular heartbeat, so they decided to get her back in rhythm. That wasn't any big deal - except for when it was happening, of course. We've been through it before and knew exactly what to expect and how long it would take, but you always get this certain feeling of something sitting right at the bottom of your throat just ready to come up if the moment should present itself. But Scott and I were able to stay with her until the very last moment as she fell asleep, then they asked us to step out in the hallway for a few minutes, and it was literally a few minutes. There were so many medical people in that little room that when they were all done, I told Scott it looked like a bunch of ants filing out of their ant hole when they all started coming out of the room.
So, that's all over and then they started preparing the transfer orders to come up to the Heart Center, and here we are! Bailey's moving around really well. She made it to the bedside toilet 3 times this morning. She says her chest hurts a little, but not too bad. She still has her PCA (I think it is, and I think it stands for patient controlled anesthesia?) that she can push every 15 minutes, but she's using that less and less every day. She got to put underwear and shorts on today, so she's starting to feel more like a person now. We still can't get a shirt on her because of all the lines going in and out of her - a PIC line, an arterial line, and an IV with about 10 or so lines running meds in. I told her we needed a tube top - something that she can step into and just slide it up! Hey! A "Survivor" buff would probably work. That would be cool!
Can we really start to think about going home now?! Bailey's been saying this morning that it's so strange to think that we might be home next week or sometime soon thereafter. She's absolutely right. It will be strange to go home and be able to unpack my bags. I don't know if I can remember where all my toiletries go in our bathroom! We'll have to re-familiarize ourselves with our own house.
I'm going to go back in Bailey's room now and hang a few things on the walls and get Dr. T's M&M's set up again. He's been whining about those all week now!
Have a wonderful afternoon, everyone!
Love to you all,
You are TRULY amazing!
God Bless You All!
hey gals! I cant wait to have you two back! So then we can all get together! I love you all so much!
cya later, lindsay
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