5000 Rummy
We made jewelry ALL day long today. Bailey's trying to get necklaces in for all her nurses before Monday. She'd better hurry!!
I'm feeling such a strange set of emotions right now. It's all very exciting and scary at the same time. I've never gone into any of Bailey's surgery feeling excitement . . . it's always just been plain scary. So I find myself almost guilty about feeling so excited when such a huge surgery is right on the horizon. Balancing out the excitement and the fear is very tricky . . . I don't know how good I'm doing.
But we're having fun with the nurses. I just took a picture of the night shift shoving suckers in their gums and imitating walruses. I'll be sure and post that picture.
We started a game of 5000 rummy tonight (as opposed to 500 rummy). That just means that we got to a score of 5000 instead of 500. We played for 2 1/2 hours and got to 2000. I think we'll finish that tomorrow.
Bailey is the first one scheduled for surgery on Monday. They're coming to get her around 6:30. The surgery is supposed to last 4 to 5 hours. I'll be sure to post early Monday since I'm sure there will be some anxious people out there waiting to hear how Bailey did. I guess there's a possibility they'll take her off the ventilator later that day, if everything goes well. That would be nice!
We're cleaning out the rest of the room tomorrow night. It will be very strange to have white walls! I tried to tell them they should retire her room and keep it empty so we can pop in for a slumber party on occasion. Doesn't that sound great!
Thank you for hanging in there with us, everyone, and thank you for the prayers!
Love to all,
P.S. Tanya is the best nurse that ever lived! (She's standing behind me looking over my shoulders.)
We will be thinking of you and praying for you guys. I am sure all of the emotions you are feeling are normal given what you have ahead of you and what lies behind. I know the people at Riley will miss you guys as much as you will miss them.
Hang in there!
Kara, Jami & Katie
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