No Transplant!
(Bailey wanted me to put the title in all caps and 5 exclamation marks . . . I'll show a little restraint.)
Wow, what a day!! They're doing another echo Monday morning just to make sure nothing has changed over the weekend and then they're scheduling her for surgery to take the Berlin Heart out. Can you believe it?! Dr. Darragh and Dr. Turrentine both met with us today to deliver the good news. I kept waiting for the other foot to drop - whatever that other foot might have been - but they pretty much didn't give us the other foot. I was expecting them to say that the numbers were good but they still wanted to give her another 30 days to take another look. They both seemed confident in their decision. They, of course, are going to be watching her closely and she'll have another cath in 3 months or so, but goodness . . . I've sat around here for 3 hours now pretty much speechless. I catch myself staring at the ceiling. This is just the best news. We were ready (and grateful) for a transplant, but now we get to re-direct our thinking and don't have to worry about all the restrictions and medication that would have followed a transplant: immune suppressant drugs, steroids, limited access to pets, no swimming in lakes or ponds or public pools, wearing masks in the hospital, us wearing masks at home when we get sick, diet restrictions, can't have children . . . I do not mean to make a transplant sound so dreary, because it was our best friend for 4 months, but keeping Bailey's heart is even better than we could have imagined the outcome to be over the last 4 months. God is incredible, isn't He? All the prayers we all have sent asking for a heart and for a heart FAST . . . God was just saying to Himself, "They just have no idea." I am so grateful that God is healing Bailey's heart. And I'm so grateful for the doctors for their patience and insight and willingness to stick with us and not just take "any old heart" and for just their gut instincts. There really is no better outcome to this adventure. We feel we are the happiest people in the world.
Bailey gave Dr. T a hug after they delivered the good news. It was a very touching moment. All the bickering and playing and picking on each other they've done the last 5 months - they've developed a lasting relationship that started as a doctor making a new patient cry (3 times, I might add) and now is something that can't be replicated.
They say she'll probably be able to go home in 2 or 3 weeks after surgery. So, she might very well make it to the first day of school - we'll see. (With a transplant, she would have had to stay home for 3 months.) We should DEFINITELY be able to make it to the Keith Urban concert - and without a mask. Yeah!!!!! We just really are doing a little dance in our chairs as we sit here.
I think it's finally hitting Bailey. Her reaction to the news earlier today was pretty uneventful. I took that as her deep down having a feeling all along that she would go home with her own heart. But, from the looks of it now, it just hadn't hit her yet. We sat down here to write out the page, and she started crying. Now she's giddy and dancing. I need some wine. Haha!
It's Brownie Thursday and Sue came through for us! She did reveal tonight that this would work out perfect because she only has one more box of brownies left.
Well, before we think about the bitter-sweet thought of going home, we're going to go enjoy the moment.
Have a FANTASTIC night/day, everyone! We love you all!
I can't tell you how gratifying it was to be part of today! I look forward to catching up with you on Monday. Have a great weekend.
Please make sure the wine is ONLY for you!
OH MY GOSH!!!!! ( as you can see I didn't use any restraint!!) I can't begin to tell you how thrilled we are for you. Oh Bailey I am so happy to hear this news. I love you so much and I thank God for this wonderful answer to prayer. What an incredible journey you have been on and one that I am sure there was a reason for.
OH MY GOSH!!!!! ( as you can see I didn't use any restraint!!) I can't begin to tell you how thrilled we are for you. Oh Bailey I am so happy to hear this news. I love you so much and I thank God for this wonderful answer to prayer. What an incredible journey you have been on and one that I am sure there was a reason for.
Happy Friday ! Boy is it a happy Friday...I couldn't wait to call Jim and Corbin and share the wonderful news. They were so thrilled. Love to you all. Have a great weekend!
hey it Is me Angela D.
I am sooooooooooooooo thrilled! at first I was thinking, what is going on here and now I am like sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo hoooooo! man Bailey I love you so much! I know this is the first time I have posted but I love you tons and I hope that will make up for it. Have fun chilling with Keith Urban!
Angela DeCamp
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Our God is most definately an AWESOME God!
I can not begin to tell you how much reading your daily blog has done for me. Bailey, you are such a strong brave girl with an admirable outlook on life. I have no doubt in my mind that you will achieve anything YOUR HEART desires! Angie, you set the bar high for us other mothers! Your faith in the lord is beyond anything I have ever seen! I strive to have that faith. The way you have handled the day to day issues with such positiveness. Not one time in this blog is there ever a "poor me post". Your family is such an inspiration!!
My aunt has Cardio Pulminary Hypertension, someday in the future she will be on a heart/lung transplant list and I pray our family can approach the situation with the amount of positiveness that your family has!
Thanks for letting me travel this journey with you. Now......may I make a request? Please continue to update long after you go home. I am a "Bailey Addict"! :)
FABULOUS!!!!!!! Absolutely the best news possible!! What a great miracle to have experienced. And no one deserves it more than you guys. Take care and I am putting a package in the mail so start looking for it next week. Take care. More later.
Love, Jane & Bob Hostetler
That is soo amazing, i really wonder how many patients go into riley and stay there 5 months, and then end up keeping there own heart!!! This is definetly a God thing! HE is SO amazing! I love you all!
Great news you guys! We know how you feel and can relate to this kind of news! We will anxiously read more updates. Bailey will certainly be in our prayers...especially for the upcoming surgery.
--- The Millers
WOW -- I love good news -- made my Friday even more joyous! Bailey, you are an AWSOME girl and I am so happy for you. God is taking such good care of you, surrounding you with loving family, friends, and the best doctors and nurses possible. I am saying big prayers of thanksgiving and hope that things continue to get better and better and better. Blessings and hugs to you and your family!
Ok...I have read diligently every night but always felt restraint when it came to leaving a comment. Forget the restraint today....CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy to hear the wonderful news. Looking forward to seeing you back at R&L very soon Angie. Little Sophie is still talking about how she saw "Bairey". Much love and congrats!
Jennifer Sinder
I was so happy I peed on the floor !!!
OMG...I am in tears.... the power of prayer.... I am SO HAPPY FOR ALL OF YOU!! you make sure to stop by the daycare so we can see ALL OF YOU!!! Congrats.... I just can't even begin to say what I want!!!
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