Friday, July 08, 2005

Soaking It All In

Wow, what a day! McDonalds even tastes better today! We just spent the day soaking it all in. We're making a list of the people and places we want to visit before school starts. What an incredibly fun task! The word spread like wildfire around the hospital here. People were stopping in all day congratulating Bailey on the good news. I slept really good last night from 2 to 6 a.m., then I just laid awake staring at the ceiling with a smile on my face. I should've gotten up and gone to breakfast, but I was pretty much worthless. It feels so good to just let it all go and not try to keep our excitement contained to a "safe" level. Every good thing is from God, and we are just simply rejoicing.

I've started cleaning out some of the stuff in Bailey's room to thin things out a bit. Boy, there's a lot of stuff.

Thanks so much for all of the comments posted today. It's great that you are all sharing in our joy. It's an incredible adventure, isn't it? I know it's not over yet, but it's exciting to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And just knowing that there are so many people out there praying for us and riding along in that tunnel with us is such a comfort. Thank you for being there!

Have a great weekend everyone!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

bailey i am so happy for you i to am a heart patiant of rileys when i was 13 i needed a heart transplant but never got it becuase riley never gave up and i'm now almosted 22 and still havent had the transplant thinks to riley and God ! bailey i pray for you each and everyday was so happy for you and your familay at the great news ! i know this musted be a time of joy and excitement at the newsalso in some since it musted be a shock but bailey knew in her heart all along and god knew to ! bailey you are a brave and wonderful young lady i addmire you courage and want you to knwo you have a great spirit and very good look on life keep up the good outlolook it'll take you where ever you want to go congraduations and good luck !

stacie, shocking life for shocking people!

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bailey, We're so happy for you.We will keep the prayers going for you, Dane, and all the heart patients at Riley. Love and prayers, Dane's Gr-grandma and Grandpa Melvin

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bailey (and everyone else)
We haven't written for a while but we check each morning on your update and keep you in our prayers! What AWESOME news! It also amazes me that God does more than we can even imagine! We all need that reminder every now and then and boy is He reminding us now! Take care and enjoy this time. You all deserve it!
Love, Mike and Nikki

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey..thats soo cool still to think about! WHo knew you'd be in the hospital for 5 months and have the best ending you could possibly get?!?!?! Thats soo awesome!
i love you girls!

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you - this is amazing!!! WE will keep praying for your continued good health!

Kara, Jami, & Katie

3:41 PM  

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