Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Hi everyone! We're back in. Bailey's heart is not out of rhythm - that's a plus - but she's putting on quite a bit of fluid again. So, they admitted her for I.V. lasix to get a jump on this. Unfortunately, she only has 2 more days of school left, which means she's missing out on 4 of her final exams. We were SO CLOSE to making it through the rest of the year. I've e-mailed her teachers and are hopeful they'll let her make them up.

Have a good night everyone. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bailey and Angie: We are all praying that this is a very short visit to Riley (I know that you really like the doctors and nurses, but enough is enough!). I'm sure Bailey's teachers will "do the right thing" with her finals, she's such a special little girl. I know you're both really tired of these set-backs, and I can't blame you, but keep your heads up and know that you're going forward, and that Riley and you are always getting a better understanding of Bailey's totally unique and precious heart.
Take care. We love you both.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did she get to see Patrick Dempsey last week? That would cause ME a great big heart problem !!!!!!

I'm thinking positive thoughts for both of you........

Love, hugs and stuff, CAROL

11:22 AM  

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