Yet another cardioversion
My last entry was titled "Another Cardioversion", and that's what I had planned on for this entry, but I thought you guys might think it was the same ol' entry, so I switched it up a little. Ha!
So, we went to the screening of the documentary yesterday at the Indianapolis Film Festival at Herron Art School on the campus of IUPUI -- just blocks from where we now sit -- and we climbed into the van afterwards to head out and Bailey says, with tears, "Mom, my heart's jumping around." Ok, well, let's wait a little bit and see if it settles down. A few minutes later, with more tears, "I'm getting so tired of this, Mom."
After 5 cardioversions in the last 6 months, of which all but 1 have occurred since December, it's kind of getting . . . not frustrating, because that's such a negative connotation . . . more of a nuisance, maybe, but that's sounds more worry-free than it really is . . . I don't know. She's continuing her swelling in her belly, so the big belly and approx-monthly cardioversions are kind of getting her down emotionally a little. And I think that's kind of getting her down physically a little. She's just not been feeling good.
But Dr. D is working hard to try to figure this all out. He told her she was confusing the heck out of his brain. As Bailey has always been, she just continues to be out there in the forefront of medicine -- they haven't seen too many cases like this, if any, so we're all learning as we go. Patience is a virtue.
We met Scott in the E.R. this morning to get registered, and he says, "You know, some families spend a lot of time at soccer games, basketball games, and things like that . . . we just spend our family time at cardioversions." That's pretty much what it's like. Ha!
Well, anyway, she's scheduled for a cardioversion some time this afternoon. I'll check in later and let you know how everything went -- prayerfully no hitches.
Talk to you later,
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