Wednesday, May 02, 2007


The plan is to cardiovert and a cath tomorrow afternoon. Dr. D wants to take a closer look at things and then go from there. He threw out a few ideas he's kicking around, so we're getting a plan together.

We might be here a few days as he might be changing some blood pressure meds around and not comfortable doing that outside the hospital.

Bailey's doing fine and very happy to have some sort of plan in the works. She's just tired of feeling crappy and wants to get back to life.

I'll keep you posted.
Have a good night everyone!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so glad you are keeping up the blog. I haven't looked at it in a long time. I just saw your pictures and entry from the CMN trip. How amazing! I hope everything goes well tomorrow and Friday. Daniel and I are praying for you. Please tell Bailey we said hello. I hope she feels better soon.


Jennifer Riley

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bailey and Angie.
I just read the recent blog updates and I want you to know that I hope things work out for Bailey. She's one brave, great girl. I don't know her personally, but I've been reading the blogs on this site and seen what she's been through. Angie, give Bailey my love and tell her I'm thinking of her and you all. Good luck with everything! I'll keep visiting the site.
Heidi from Norway

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loove you both, i hope you feel better bailey! and when you do, we need to get together : )
love you guys,
lindsay davis

10:07 AM  

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