Monday, April 11, 2005

A Staff Birthday Party

Bailey had another birthday party today. This time, the staff gave her a luncheon party. It was really nice. They ordered Subway sandwiches and had an ice cream cake. They gave Bailey a Beta fish in a big glass vase with a plant sticking out the top. It's really neat! Bailey's really not supposed to have live things in her room, but they said she can have it in her room if she promises not to touch it. So guess who gets to clean the bowl?! . . . Scott!! Haha! It's really nice, though, and she likes having a pet here. She named him Li'l Bit.

We found out today that we can't text page Dr. T on the nationwide pager, so we just gave him a message when he called in today to check on Bailey. We simply said, "You're done. Come on home." Funny, he's not back yet.

Bailey's mad at me right now for making her do her math homework. We turned off the TV for this! She's sitting over on her bed with her head resting in her hand, pounding on the calculator. Yep, we're in the teen years. Haha!

I guess there really isn't much more to talk about. I guess with Dr. T out of town, things are a little slow. That's all right. We'll take slow.

Hope everyone out there had a good day today. Talk to you tomorrow!

Love you all, Angie


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