Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pacemaker Procedure Went Well

Hi everybody! Bailey's surgery went well today. She didn't like the anesthesia much and she struggled with it through recovery a little bit, but she's feeling much better now and up and walking around. We'll be here overnight at least. Josie's been with us today - she's enjoyed being at Bailey's side through all this. Such a sweet, caring and supportive sister. Rissy was happy going to school today. She came up to me last night and asked me "Can Bailey die in her surgery?" I said, "No, honey, she won't die. This will be really quick and easy." She said, "Ok!" and ran off and went to bed. And she kissed us goodbye this morning when we walked out to go to the hospital. She loves school and loves her teacher, and she simply believed that Bailey was going to be fine and well taken care of. We expect her and Tom to pop in any time now. It will be good to give them a hug.

They're setting up for the radiothon downstairs - it starts in the morning. It will be fun to see our WFMS friends again! And don't forget to listen Friday from 4-5:00 when Bailey will be on with Mimi and J.D. And, most importantly, don't forget to call in your pledge!

Love you all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy everthing went well! Will be listening Friday.Mimis Mom

8:23 AM  
Blogger Danny said...

I first heard of Riley's in Jan 07 when my 15 yr old cousin found out she had a blood clot in her heart and thats when I read your story in the Rileys magizine thingy. Maybe you've heard or even meet my cousin. katie. I Have a strong admiration for everyone in the heart center, the nurses, drs & certianly the patients. I wish you the best of luck & hope everything continues to go well for you. sincerly

11:39 PM  
Blogger Nancy Jensen said...

Hi Bailey, I found out about your heart story through an online support group for children and adults with Congenital Heart Defects and their families. ( You are so amazing! My daughter, Jessica, has complex CHDs including tetrology of fallot, pulmonary atresia, VSD and other pulmonary artery defects. She has gone through 5 heart surgeries in Tucson, AZ. We watched video clips from your website and we think you are VERY BRAVE! I am so jealous that you got to meet Dr. McDreamy! hehe!

Jessica is 18 years old. She is on oxygen and has been ill a lot so she understands how hard it is to have heart problems. She said it would be really hard to spend all that time in the hospital hooked up to an artificial heart and she says you did a GREAT JOB! We know it must have been really hard on you and your family.

Jessica and I wish you the best! I read that you just had a pacemaker surgery. We hope you have recovered from that and are doing well.

If you ever want to visit my blog and read up on how Jessica is doing, feel free to do so. Jessica also has her own blog called

We would be honored if you would stop by and say HI.

2:39 AM  

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