Monday, March 10, 2008

Bailey Sleds!

We tried to remember how long it's been since Bailey has been able to sled with her sisters (or anybody, for that matter) in the snow. We think it's been about 5 years - if not more than that. Playing outside in the winter is just something that's been stricken off of Bailey's list of things she's able to do . . . until Saturday! Prior to her Berlin Heart surgery in 2005, she had asthma symptoms that caused her to avoid cold temperatures outdoors. And last winter she was too sick to play outside, and this winter she's been too weak. I wish you could have seen her. I took the girls to Southeastway Park and Bailey wanted to go too. I had my doubts that she'd, for one, be able to walk through the snow (that takes extra energy in itself), and, two, that she'd be able to walk up the hill to be able to sled down, and, three, that she'd be able to stay out in the cold for very long at all. I was wrong on ALL counts! I walked up the hill with "them" (I say "them" because I was really there to make sure Bailey would be ok) and watched as Bailey looked down the hill on the other side, which was an even steeper hill than the one we walked up. She said, with this big smile on her face, "I wanna do THAT one!" I was a little nervous. I wondered to myself how I would get her back up the hill and then down the other side of it and back to the van, if she was unable to make it back up, or ran out of energy at some point. I kept telling her to "take it easy, take your time". She flew down the hill and walked back up. Flew down again, and walked back up again. And flew down AGAIN, and walked back up. Finally, after 20 minutes of watching her and telling her to take her time, I said, "Bailey, I'm cold. Wanna go back to the van with me?" And, to my surprise, she said, "No. I'm having fun!" Well, I HAD to go back, because I wasn't dressed at all for sledding -- I had tennis shoes on, a pair of jeans, and a wind breaker with a sweatshirt. I had no intention at all of getting out of the van, because I guess deep down I didn't really think Bailey would have the nerve or the energy to go sledding. So, I walked back to the van all the while worried that I was leaving her there. I kept thinking that Josie would run and get me if anyone (namely, Bailey) needed help, but then was thinking that if I stayed out there I would be available immediately. But it was COLD!! So, I sat in the warmth of the van for about 30 more minutes wondering if I need to go back to the hill, when I see all my girls' coats come sledding down this side of the hill. I kept looking for Bailey's black and white coat and, finally, saw it - she was the last one down. She stands right up and starts walking toward me. She doesn't even pause to lean over and rest her hands on her knees or anything! They all walk toward me - like the Mod Squad - all three of them with big smiles on their faces and I was overwhelmed with the need to shed some tears. I bet not very many people come away from a sledding event in tears and not because of an injury! I was so excited! I can't express to you how amazing and wonderful it is to see Bailey playing in the snow with her sisters. For so many years, Tom would take Josie and Marissa sledding and I'd stay behind with Bailey - either at home or in the hospital. My heart was completely filled with joy. I know what it's like to be overflowing with joy.

And she didn't even quit on Sunday. Before all the snow melted, the girls, including Bailey, went out in our backyard and the neighbor's backyard to sled some more! And today she's complaining of sore muscles. I bet! Haha!! Such a pleasant problem to have!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing the good times with us, as well as the difficult times! We all couldn't be happier for you!
Love, Diane

6:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know why God made it snow this late in the year !!! He is pretty neat................

Love to you ALL.

X X X O O O O O Carol

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so great! I'm so happy Bailey is doing so good and that you can enjoy things as a family again. God works in the most amazing ways!

It was great seeing you guys in church a few weeks ago. We have truly missed you all!

Take care & God Bless you all!

Marci H & your FCC family

ps - I hear we might have another snow or two so maybe you can dress warmer and join the girls next time (ha!)

8:34 AM  

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