Sunday, June 05, 2005

Miracle Ride

What a fun time! I brought Josie and Marissa back with me this morning to watch the motorcycles ride by the hospital in the Miracle Ride. (The Miracle Ride consists of thousands of motorcycle riders raising money for Riley. They all ride by the hospital and end up at the Speedway.) We found an outlet outside that Bailey could plug her Berlin Heart into, and we watched, waved, and held up "Thank You" signs for 56 minutes as all the motorcycles rode by. How cool to see all different kinds of bikes and all different kinds of people riding by, waving back to us with big smiles on their faces, and some of them throwing things like scarves, candy, and stuffed animals to the kids. The sidewalk was lined with kids in wheelchairs, kids with I.V. poles, kids in little red wagons, kids with hair, kids without hair, and one kid with a Berlin Heart, together with their nurses and families waving to the bikers and waving signs. What a neat experience! Thank you, Miracle Riders!!!

Bailey had a good weekend. She was on the radio again yesterday afternoon to help WFMS wrap up the radiothon. She announced the final tally, which was approximately $371,000. What a success! Thanks to everyone out there who made donations to the radiothon. Trust us, it's a worthy cause.

Marissa and Josie are spending the night tonight. We've been playing cards and watching TV. Marissa, of course, is the first one to fall asleep. It takes her about 45 seconds once she stretches out and gets all comfy.

Well, let's see what this week brings. With no homework, we might be watching lots of movies.

Take care, everyone, and have a great week!



Blogger Martha said...

Wow.. what an exciting weekend! The Miracle Riders sound incredible. It must have been loud. I know some motorcycle riders can look so scarey and rough but in reality they have the hearts of teddy bears. Kids exspecially hold a real soft spot for those rough riders. I am CERTAIN they were as excited if not more to see all of you lining the street as you were to see them!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Martha said...


I wanted to give you a link to my friends Web Site. She makes all kinds of Bracelets for Charities. I am CERTAIN she would make one in Honor of Bailey and the Berlin Heart. She usually donates $5 from every sale to the charity as well!
Let me know if you need more info!

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats really coool that you got to do that with your bracelet, i hope you guys had alot of fun! I was also wondering what baileys email was so i can email her! Mine is>>just email that if/when you get the chance!
love ya lotz,

7:36 PM  

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