Monday, May 23, 2005

Some More Extra Beats

We were supposed to have an echo done today to see of Bailey's PA pressures have come down since the increased beats per minute, but it turned into a pretty stressful day for the cardiology department (for some reason), so we didn't get that done. We started walking down the hall to get some lunch, and we were stopped by Bailey's nurse because she was having some more extra beats. She had called Dr. Brown (another one of her CV surgeons - Dr. T was in surgery) and Dr. T's nurse practitioner and assistant to review her strips. After about 30 minutes, we were released to go to lunch. Dr. Brown wasn't too worried about them since the Berlin heart is supporting her heart. Bailey was a little worried there for a little bit, but we talked through it and the rest of the day went well.

We got to watch a movie, work on some math homework, play some computer games, and make some jewelry. We tried to eat lunch outside in the courtyard, but it was too windy! It blew my piece of chocolate cake upside down! I still ate it, of course.

I don't even have a Dr. T story for you today. He stopped in a couple of times, but he was pretty busy in the surgery room today. Any day that we are NOT the reason for them having a tough day is a good day for us. They say that 3-day holiday weekends are good for organ donations - unfortunately for the general public, there are lots of traffic accidents during those times. (Please drive carefully, everyone!) We have personally met 3 transplant patients who were transplanted on Memorial or Labor Day weekends. Wouldn't that be something if we got one this weekend? We'll just have to wait and see.

I wasn't here this weekend and heard this story second-hand, but its worth passing on. There was a teenage boy here who had a surgery done to push his chest cavity out because it had sunk in putting pressure on his heart. Apparently, he was very concerned about his physical appearance after his surgery and whether he would look noticeably different. He thought he would find out for himself, so after surgery, when he was on a high-powered pain-killer drip (one that makes one a little . . . cuckoo), he took off his shirt and started walking down the hall asking everyone he came in contact with how his chest looked and if his "pecs" looked good, as he flexed his muscles. Poor guy! I hope he doesn't remember anything that happened when he was on that pain medication! But I wish I could have been here for that . . . that would have been one to remember. He must have been doing very well, though, because he was sent home before I came back yesterday.

We'll see you tomorrow. Good night!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I want anyone to have to deal with the lose of a loved one this would be a memorial day to remember if it ment that Bailey got her new heart. I have not meet Bailey, but from reading the daily comments and the pictures I have grown to admire her. Bailey You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

Jim a 42y/o ToF survivor and past Riley patient.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! It is bittersweet to know that this weekend could be it! I'll have to have Connie keep me posted, I'll be out of town and thinking of you ALL! Lot's of time people wonder "why me", I prefer to think of it that your family was specially chosen for this journey. Maybe no one else could have touched so many people the way you have, regardless, I'm sure He has something very important for you to get done here. Also, on a lighter note...I think my nephew had Dr. T as his surgeon as well! How cool is that?

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Bailey! this is ryann i hope you had a fun time with Patrick.
Aunt Debi says hey also! i hope you get a new heart soon. thanks for the cool bracelet. i want to see you soon!!!!!!!!!

with lots of love xoxo,

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Bailey! this is ryann i hope you had a fun time with Patrick.
Aunt Debi says hey also! i hope you get a new heart soon. thanks for the cool bracelet. i want to see you soon!!!!!!!!!

with lots of love xoxo,

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Ryann again. I used someone else's e-mail adress. ( Sorry about that!
Love you,
Ryann& family

9:19 AM  

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