Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Scabs and PIC Line Cause a Little Trouble

Bailey had kind of a rough day. Dr. T came up for her dressing change and took off some scabs around her canulas to expose a little bit of "goo", as the technical term is around here. The scabs were acting as a cap over the skin and weren't allowing the cleanser to clean the site. Hopefully it will clear up now that the hydrogen peroxide and cleanser can get down in there. He wanted to remove more, but Bailey wouldn't have any of it. She was so scared. He's such a sensitive guy - I asked him if he was going to remove ones that he was investigating a few minutes earlier, and he said he didn't want to upset her any more. He might do it another day after she's had some Versed.

He's on my bad side now, though! He saw some dresses that I bought Bailey over the weekend and he held them up and said, "Whose are these?" I said, "They're her mother's day present." He must have missed the "her" part because he then looks at me and says, "You can't fit in those!" Now, if you know anything about women, that's one thing you NEVER say under any circumstances and in any situation. Right, girls?! He then walks over to Marissa to talk to her for a little while and she walks away after she gets bored. He says, "I have that effect on all women." I quickly jump in with, "No! Really?! After that dress comment, I can't really understand that!" We were harassing him pretty good.

Earlier tonight, Bailey accidentally yanked on her PIC line and absolutely freaked when she thought it slid out. She did tug on it hard enough to pull one of the stitches out and the line looks like it might have pulled out a tiny bit, but no bleeding. There is a tiny balloon on the end of the PIC line that also keeps it in place, so it would be pretty tough to do some damage, I think. But, we have to show the doctors tomorrow so they can determine whether or not to re-stitch it. Maybe that will be a good time for some Versed for both of us.

Marissa and my dentist appointments went good, in case you laid awake last night wondering. I have no cavities and no need for a return visit. Yeah!!! And Marissa let them count her teeth. Yeah!!! She has 20. She wouldn't let them "brush" them, but letting them count them is huge improvement over last time.

Five race car drivers (not sure which ones) are visiting Riley tomorrow (Tues.) evening. Child Life came around and had Bailey and Marissa each paint a birdhouse for them to give to the drivers. They asked 5 kids in the hospital to paint one and Bailey and Marissa were 2 of those 5. Marissa had fun, but she got mad when she didn't like where she signed her name and tried to cover up the permanent marker. It didn't work too well, so we had to take a walk and calm down. Bailey had a great time. Her birdhouse had a black and white checkered roof. So cute! She's been busy making jewelry pretty much all day. She's got quite the little business going. I helped her with one little necklace tonight. I do have to say that I did a pretty good job! But Bailey had to deal with the clasps - I didn't have the patience for that.

Thanks, Mallery, for giving me a haircut tonight! Nothing like making house calls, huh?! You're the best!

Anita, a friend of my sister, Debbie, and her little girl, Becca, came to visit today. Becca has been on the Heart Center before and was returning today for a doctor's appointment. They might be sending her to St. Louis for a lung transplant - they don't do those here at Riley. Please keep her and her family in your prayers, too.

Just think. One morning you'll wake up and open this blog page and it will read "Bailey Gets a New Heart". Won't that be something?

Good night to all.


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