Admitted on Pre-Op Day
Well, we didn't expect this, but Bailey's being admitted to the hospital today. Over the last week, the fluid in her abdomen has increased steadily. This is just tangible evidence that her heart needs help. So, the doctors wanted her admitted over the weekend so they could keep an eye on her and have better control of her diuretic (did I spell that right?) through an IV so she can be in "tip-top shape for Monday". Bailey was pretty upset at first, but then Shondra, the Child Life Specialist, turned into "Santa" and brought lots of fun projects to keep us busy this weekend. The tears quickly turned into smiles.
The documentary people followed us around all day today and are very kind and considerate, and very nice to us all. They interviewed a lot of medical people and us as well. Bailey likes them all and gave a great interview! Dad, however, cried like a baby. Haha!! Of course, I did too, but that's expected.
Gotta go - Bailey doesn't like the dinner they brought to her, so I have to run downstairs and get her McDonalds. I could actually go for that too!
Please continue your prayers for us, and we'll check in with you later.
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